~Chapter 2~

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~FairyTail Origins~

Inmo let out a small squeak as he was shot back by a quick bolt of blue lightning and into a strong gust of wind, which slammed him into the dirt of the training area below. The explosion mage looked up weakly, fixing his black-spotted bandana. He tilted his head up to face his guild leaders, whose eyes were locked, all their focus lost. "Sir Ritchie, Mr. Brandon, what's wrong?"

Ritchie's eyes darted to the devil, his blue eyes seemed troubled. "Oh, nothing." he quickly answered, "I just need to talk to my brother about something." Inmo's brows furrowed, Sir Ritchie answered too quickly, he must've been lying. "Just sit here for a few more minutes until you can stand without falling on your face."

Brandon nodded in agreement with his brother and was about to walk off until Ritchie pointed out that his poncho had come off. The white-haired guild master sheepishly bent down and draped it back over his shoulders, snapping the buckle back together. "Don't tell anyone, especially David that that happened," Brandon ordered, before turning in his heels and stocking away, Ritchie right behind him.

The purple-haired demon quickly ran up to his guild leaders, his mind whirling with thoughts. Mr. Brandon and Sir. Ritchie didn't seem like themselves, instead, they seemed troubled and completely off focus. The Diabolus twins were making comments to each other quietly, their blue eyes flicking to look at each other and their surroundings, almost as if there was a lurking danger at every corner.

Suddenly, Ritchie paused, looking at his brother, their eyes locking. The twin devil slayers seemed to be sharing a private conversation, cocking their heads and nodding to seemingly unspoken questions and statements.

Brandon turned to face Inmo, "Ritchie and I have got to go do a few things, so... we're going to have to part ways here." The demon slayer seemed to perk up, his mitch-matched eyes flooded with surprise and curiosity.

"What are you going to do, is it a mission, could I co-"

"No, Inmo..." Ritchie stepped in. "We've got to go to Grimshade to talk to Michael, you know..." he paused and licked his lips as if he was struggling to find a suitable answer.

"Guild leader business," Brandon answered for his brother, who nodded in thanks to his brother's simple answer. The bluenette then nodded goodbye to the demon before the shorter man could answer, Brandon almost following right behind. "Toodle-pip!" The guild leader chirped, his voice cracking a bit before quickly trailing after the younger twin, leaving Inmo.

The demon was slightly dumbfounded by two things, the first thing is that Mr. Brandon was a bit more cheerful than usual. The second thing was that his voice cracked, and he sounded exactly like Miss. Prendegast, the kooky old lady that lived in the middle of the woods, with also white hair, and blue eyes, and a similar accent, and they seem to act almost like family...


Ritchie closed his eyes as the damp scent of the guild of Grimshade flooded his senses, as well as the calm wind, rushing around his body. The bluenette narrowed his eyes at the larger wind mage that was holding him against his chest securely as if he could drop him at any second. As they were in Grimshade's general area Brandon began to quickly descend to the ground below, ignoring his brother's huffs stating that he could drop him and he'd be fine.

As the older's boots met the coarse ground Ritchie finally managed to squirm free, glaring at his older twin. Instead of sharing the same annoyance, Brandon's eyes had a playful glint in them "Aw, Richard," the wind mage hummed, "Don't look at me like that." The lightning devil slayer snorted and crossed his arms, turning his head to face the and I quote, 'edgiest' of the four strongest guilds.

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