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For a first trip to Japan, Jesse can say it's going as well as could be expected.
Airport was hell, TSA was a nightmare, and the plane ride must've been purgatory because he felt like he was trapped there forever. He touched down, almost lost his luggage, landed a chatty cab driver- which was odd since he didn't understand a damn word that man was saying- , almost lost his room key, and finally collapsed onto his mediocre bed with a loud groan. God he was tired. His Stetson was perched awkwardly on the back of his head as he laid there really really really not wanting to get up, as lovely as a hot shower sounded. He let himself be grumpy for a few more minutes before he groaned loudly and forced himself up off of the bed, his hat falling onto the sheets with a thud. Ugh.

The bathroom was actually quite nice all things considered. He shucked his shirt off, giving himself a good once over in the mirror. Pecs, chub, love handles, all thankfully accounted for. He then undid his belt and jeans before shucking them off as well. He wasn't vain or curious enough to give himself another once over. If he lost anything there he was sure he'd notice. He then glanced down at his prosthetic for a moment, wondering if he should take it off. The door was locked right? Peacekeeper within reach? He would be able to hear someone coming? He hadn't checked for bugs or spies or someone tailing him so what if-

He took his arm off and chucked it in the sink.

No point in stressing about it. That was why he was here after all... to get a step ahead of the people chasing him. Gabriel Reyes has been a huge help in getting him across the world without being tracked, and Jesse would never be able to repay him for it. The man had enough of his own demons, yet he still found the energy to worry about Jesse's. Jesse smiled to himself as he turned on the water way too hot and stepped into the shower with an indulgent sigh. Fuck that felt good.
He took his time scrubbing himself free of dirt and grease, probably ending up cleaner than he had been in years. It was heavenly. He ran calloused fingers through his hair, scrubbing at his scalp to wash out any dirt or other particles, finally washing the stress of the last few weeks- hell last few months off of his skin and watched it run down the drain. 

When he was finally dressed and a little more human than before, he shoved his hat back on his head and sighed, pulling out his phone to check the time. A burner phone of course, people like him didn't get the luxury of permanence. Alright then.. late. Half past nine and too late for anything but sleep.. thank god. Or not, it depends on how bad the nightmares will be tonight. Jesse clenched his hand reflexively, wondering if he would wake up the next morning with crescent marks in his palms from the tight grip of holding an imaginary gun, or if he would sleep at all. He didn't wanna think about that anymore. He pulled out his flask, nearly empty he noted, and downed the rest of it before tossing it to the floor with the rest of his luggage, all of which was strewn about on the floor. 

....He'd organize that later.

For now he collapsed onto the bed, tucking himself into the blankets tightly. It was warm.. a more comfortable bed than he'd been privy to in a long time. He would've been surprised by how quickly he passed out if he had even been aware he was drifting off. Instead he slipped easily into darkness, mind blessedly blank.

Jesse was on the floor. How did he get here? He couldn't control his body. He was panicking. His breaths came in short puffs and his entire body shook. It felt wrong. This wasn't his body. His head tilted downwards to look at his hands, vision swimming. Blood. So much blood. He felt sick. Red marred everything in sight.. The floor, his hands, the walls, the scrolls hanging on the wall nearby that were written in a language he couldn't decipher right now.  He just felt so sick.  The walls were spinning around him as he struggled to catch his breath, lungs feeling tight and heavy. There was a body nearby. Oh god there was a body nearby and it was mutilated. They were absolutely destroyed.. Ripped and torn and mutilated in no way a living breathing human should be. And ohhh boy was the body breathing. Shallow, wheezing breaths that made them gurgle and choke with a mouth that wasn't there. It wasn't there. The entire lower half of his face was torn off.. It was horrifying. It was wrong. It shouldn't be possible. 

And then there was pain. Blinding searing pain that seemed to split him down the middle, lighting his body up and down his solar plexus. His skin was tight, too tight, it felt like it no longer fit over his bones and he was going to start pulling apart at the seams. And then he looked up. There was a mirror in front of him and this was most certainly not his body. The body he was inhabiting was a young Asian man with black hair that spilled over his shoulders like ink... or it would've if it weren't matted with blood and gore... This man would've been beautiful if he didn't look so haunted.. If his skin wasn't peeling and pulling apart down the middle. It was so painful. Jesse would've screamed if he had control over this body. He couldn't do anything but watch and feel, as the man convulsed and his arms came up to grip at his face, desperately trying to push his skin back together. Trying to press himself back together as his flesh just kept fucking ripping. He screamed in a language Jesse couldn't understand and Jesse could feel his throat going hoarse. He couldn't tell where he ended and the stranger began and all he knew was pain, pain, pain. And then he had to watch as the man stop pushing and instead fucking pulled. The man pulled his skin apart, tearing flesh and muscle to reveal bloody tendon and bone to the air. He didn't scream anymore. Just pulled and tore. Jesse watched in horror. He wanted to throw up, wanted to look away but he couldn't. The mirror in front of him forced him to stare into the man's wide eyes as he pulled himself apart. 



Jesse woke up screaming.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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