"She is my wife ass hole", I replied angrily as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt

He laughed wickedly and drunkenly "Do you want to test if I'm wrong or not?"

I released him tiredly "What do you mean?"

My head ached as Temidire got out his phone and flashed it across my face.

I would have disregarded the idea just like Henry had warned me but I also wanted to know. Did Oluchi care about him still?

I let him dial her number as we all waited silently at the bar.

It was over an hour and she didn't come and a big grin appeared on my face.

Just as I was about to talk down to Temidire; I see the glow in his eyes as he looked at the entrance with so much excitement. I and Henry followed his stare and there came Oluchi running in like a deer being chased by a lion.

She froze as she stood for a minute looking at the scene like she knew she had gotten caught in a trap. The awkward stare grew as she refused to walk closer and none of us decided to make a move.

I thought I didn't have a heart but I felt hurt as our eyes stayed glued.

She knew she fucked up but knowing how Oluchi is in nature, she just refused to admit that she had made a mistake so she stood her ground and walked straight on toward the bar silently.

"I told you", Temidire said excitedly as he looked at me and snuck out his tongue drunkenly

"Good evening" Oluchi managed to utter after she had gotten to the bar, she looked at me with a slight smile as our eyes spoke the words we couldn't utter to ourselves.

"She loves me Badmus Junior and there is nothing you can do about it" Temidire laughed out as he broke our thoughts and the stare.

I looked away and continued drinking as Henry continued to watch the scene quietly. Oluchi placed Temidire over her shoulder while he continued to babble his rubbish which came from his intoxication on alcohol.

Oluchi struggled as she dragged Temidire out of the building; I refused to look at them and continued sipping. Henry also sipped as he stared at me like he was trying to understand what was going through my mind.

I couldn't let it happen; I didn't want to let it go on. I dropped my bottle as I stood up and attempted to leave the bar. Henry stood up too as he held me by the arm.

"Are you sure Adeleke?"

"I don't know but for now, she is my wife on paper"

"If you leave and go after them. You have to decide and take responsibility"

"I don't care Henry. She is mine and I feel I'd regret it if they leave together"

I grabbed my arm from his grip as I walked out of the building.

When I got out, I found Oluchi buckling Temidire into the passenger's seat of her car packed beside mine.

She looked at me briefly as she smiled. Henry followed as he stood beside me while I stared confused and watched Oluchi walk to the driver's door as she tried to open.

I raced to her as I grabbed her by the arm. "Don't be stupid"

"What is your problem Adeleke?" She yelled as she tried to take her hand back.

I forcefully took her car key, pulled her to my car even though she resisted, opened and pushed her into the passenger's seat.

I went over to her car and pulled Temidire out of the passenger's seat and pushed him over to Henry who caught him as he tried hard not to fall to the ground from his weight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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