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It was pouring. Flat-out pouring. The sky was gray, cloudy, and all that could be heard was the faint crackle of thunder and the pattering of droplets against the asphalt.

But the boy with the fiery red hair, droplets hitting his face and clouding his vision, refused to yield, singing under his breath and strumming his battered guitar. But still, there was no one to hear him.

A gust of wind sent a newspaper skittering across the pavement. The street was empty save for th bright yellow taxi that whizzed past every so often. At the boy's feet was a sign that read in shaky, block letters: I'M JACK. IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY. The permanent marker bled into the crumpled piece of cardboard, leaving trails of gray water behind it.

A silver-haired girl with pale gold yes clutched her blue peacoat tighter to her, crouching beneath her flowery pink umbrella. She was a quiet girl, sheltered beneath protective arms of her wealthy family, groomed for success, their perfect little angel. Life did seem pointless, when you could get all the of the material things a girl could possibly want- the latest fashions, designer hair stylists, the latest laptops and phones, but honestly, what was the meaning of it all?  

And what was her solution? To leave the manor and take a stroll through one of the poorer parts of the town. Cheap fast food restaurants with smoking teenagers scrubbing grease-stained tables, a grimy bar, a dilapidated fruit stand, an odd antique shop. And to dampen what was supposed to be an awakening, spiritual experience, it was pouring. And, considering that she had left her cellphone at her house and hadn't thought to bring any cash along with her to pay for a taxi ride, she wouldn't have a ride home for a while.

She jolted to attention when she caught faint string of notes from the corner of the dingy street. And then, a boy's voice, wailing and a little rough around the edges, calling out to her. Drawing her in.

An involuntary shudder traveled up and down her spine. That song. Why was it so familiar?

She settled her shoulders and took off, feet sloshing in mud puddles. The song drew closer and closer to her, and like so many other things she desired in her short life, it was not going to slip out of her fingertips. Somehow, she needed this.

Before long, she came face to face with him. They stared at one another with wide eyes, unable to move.

Fingers trembling, she held the umbrella over his head.

Yes, she was still ducking under the protection of her umbrella, but this time, someone else was there with her. This boy...yes, she would probably never see him again, but even so, she couldn't help but wonder, for the first time in her life, if there was a point to it all.

"My name is Selene," she whispered. "Thank you for everything."

a/n: jack is otonashi, and selene is kanade! 

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