chapter 13

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Dedicated to Yashti03

It had been weeks since May met her twins friend and since then nothing was the same. She was confused. And she had no idea why? Why she felt like something wasn't right at all. It's like she didn't know herself anymore. Like she was leaving a lie for all she knew.

May turned around and looked at the peaceful man that was sleeping next to her. He looked cute in sleep and she wondered what he was dreaming about. Was he dreaming about her? About there family? She smiled at herself and let her hand trace his face. He was her husband and loved him more each day.

But wait, what if he was keeping something from her? What if there was more to her past that he was letting her know? Would he keep that away from her? Would he be that cruel as to eliminate somethings just to make her feel perfect? To make her feel like she was this sweet angel that fell from heaven.

Would he dare to do that to her? Of course not. He was the most perfect thing she knew. He was he husband and there was no secret between the two of them. None at all. But why was she finding it hard to confide in him. To tell him that people were confusing her with that Maya Rollins all the time. Why didn't she dare to tell him everything and ask him why they would thing that she was that person.

And she knew why despite her being in denial. Despite her having that feeling in her bones, she chose to turn a blind eye on it. She didn't even dare Google the Maya Rollins. She dared not.

May leaned to kiss her husband before getting out of the bed. She walked to the bathroom and did her morning routine. Once done, she headed to the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast for everyone. It was a busy day and the soon she got somethings out of the way, the better.

She really tried. She had tried since that day not to thing of the twins friend and the events that took place that day but she couldn't stop her running thoughts. She remembered being paralysed for God knows how long when that kid called her mamma. And she wondered why at that time. Why would a almost seven year old call her mamma and ask if it was really her?

May didn't know what to do at that time. Instead she stood frozen before she heard Gabriella say to the boy that she was hers and Gabriel's momma and not his. But she still stood rooted in the spot until she felt the boy hug her legs and begin to cry. And as he cries, he went to say somethings. She clearly remember them as if they were said to her just a few seconds ago.

"Mamma. Where have been." The boy had sobbed. "Didn't you know that Daddy cries every night because of you? He thinks that I've no idea but I know everything." It was breaking May's heart but she dared not to stop the boy from talking. "He says that he is over you but he isn't. I see the pain in his eyes despite my age. Didn't you love us very much to come back to us mamma?"

The boy kept on hugging her and sobbing. "Weren't daddy and I enough mamma? Or did daddy do something to you that you can't forgive. If he did, I'm sorry on his behalf, mamma. Please come back to us. I still need you. Daddy still needs you. And we love you so much. Even grandma does mamma..."

And before he went on to say anything, Gabriel interrupted him by repeating the words his sister had said earlier. May had tears in her eyes but she fought them back. She was stronger than that. She was strong and she needed to be for the sake of the poor kid.

May felt the tiny hands around her pull away as a small voice apologized to her. She took the young boy's hand and they both sat on a couch. She talked with him and she learned that his name was Prince and according to his father, his mum was the one who gave him the name before she died. And the mother happened to be Maya Rollins. So she put two and two together and learned why the boy was so affected by her presences.

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