Chapter 1 : Introduction

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~ Sam's POV ~
Ugh I don't know what to do . I have a huge crush on this guy Antonio but he doesn't like me back . He is my Prince Charming but I am not his Cinderella . Its so hard when your crush has a crush on someone else . Antonio has a crush on Sairyl , the prettiest girl in school , but she doesn't even like him back . He never noticed me at school . When I was talking to him , he didn't even know my name . I just want someone to like me . Why does everyone think I am a nerd , is it because of my appearance . Ugh , when will he ever see my love for him . He never noticed me and all he cares about is his family , studies , and Sairyl . I just want to be part of the list he cares about .

~ Antonio's POV ~
I don't know if my friends are telling the truth that Sam has a crush on me . And I don't even like her . She is a plain old nerd . I didn't even know her in the first place until my friends introduced me to her . I just have a huge crush on Sairyl no one else . Just her . She is like an angel but she likes this other guy . She is the love of my life and I can't explain her beauty and her personality .

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