I promise

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When we got home, I treat the bruise that Sanemi got from the previous fight he have.

"I'm sorry, if only I wasn't wearing a girl's clothes, you and Genya haven't gotten to a fight" I said while cleaning his bruise. Sanemi just hiss but then he looked at me.

Sanemi POV

That Bastard, I didn't even notice that I got cut in my cheeks by his fist, okay and a bit of bruise at least I knocked out that shithead.

I tried to distract myself away from the reality that y/n is dangerously too close to me. I can't help but tense up, I could feel her breathe and how smell good she is.

"Ah! Fuck! Sanemi don't think like that! Your a fucking decent man, it's rude to wonder like that, respect y/n!" I said to myself

She was treating my bruise and cut. I stop myself from staring at her and observed every details of her. Fuck! I sound like my disgusting old man! I just mentally shakes my head to remove those thoughts.

Y/n is a respectable person,  Which I respect her.

"I'm sorry, if only I wasn't wearing a girl's clothes, you and Genya haven't gotten to a fight" she said while cleaning my bruise and I just hiss but then I looked at her.

"Don't take it like it's your fault, no matter what I protect you" I said.

She only stare at me and I just look away from embarrassment and look at her. she got a tear at the side of her eyes and smile.

"Thank you, Sanemi" she said.

"Stop saying thank you, it's natural, I protect you, what kind of husband and brother am I, if I can't protect my future wife and little brother" I said.

Not realizing that my mom and my younger siblings entering the room and give me a sly smirk.

"Oh my, we come into a wrong timing, We hope we didn't interrupting something very important and please continue" Mom said to me and y/n and I realized that I said something like claiming her even though.

I was in panic and also blushing that, I didn't notice. For the first time, y/n is blushing.

"Your blushing" I said and she was stunned and touch her face.

"I just feel my heart beat so fast and my face warmth up" she said. What's with that reaction, That's so adorable. That's too cute...

I said to myself still staring at her and she only  (>\\\<); fidget in front of me.

I just chuckle at it and she calm down as I ruffle her hair.

"What's with this? Your being too adorable?" I said.

And she act like that again, it was adorable that I can't help myself to pinch both of her cheeks .

"Your really cute" I said.

"Oww...Sa..aww...nemi...that hurts" she struggle to speak and I let go of her cheeks.

"So...your answer" I said since I already confess that I want to take her as my wife in the near future. Of course I am also saying I love her.

"Are you really serious taking me as your wife?" Y/n said.

"Of course, I am"I said.

" I asked your mom explaining about it, I also love to be your wife, I never think of someone else to be with, Ever since I met you, I feel warm, Sanemi... will you take me as your wife and stay with me?" She said and I facepalm. She beat me to it, I'm the one who should be saying that damn it.

I hold her hand and look at her straight in the eye.

"You beat me to it, I love you y/n, and no one else can be my wife other than you, Will you marry me when the time comes" I said.

I was blushing and so is she our hearts is beating so fast and loud that we both could hear it when we hear from outside.

" Say yes!"

" Say yes!"

" Yes! Yes!"

"y/n-neechan say yes! "

My younger sibling said outside and we both blush more.

Her eyes only tear up and I panic, did I make her cry. What should I do?

I was busy panicking when she hug me.

"Yes!" She said and it took me long enough to process, she said Yes!

I just hug her back.

"When we get older, I will officially asked your hand in marriage, I promise you that you never be alone ever again"  I said as this is only words but then I can't stop myself to be happy.

Mom and my siblings just come inside to check out, what's happening.

They only sending me sly smile to my direction.

"Then when they get married y/n will be a Shinazugawa too? " Genya asked to there Mom who pats his head.

" Yeah, she will be"

You only smile at them while I was blushing that were caught hugging each other.

I was busy blushing when y/n kiss me in the cheek.

I swear, she could be the death of me. I never thought that I could be redder than red because of her.

Love Is Like A HurricaneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin