Warm Feeling

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Sanemi POV

After being invited by a idiot stranger. I am still wary around him.

Well indeed we run away from that pathetic Father we have.

But what if this person also like that guy. I definitely going to protect them. 

I promise to myself, When I suggest to run away from home with my family.

I thought to myself while pulling the wagon.

If he made one wrong move, I won't hesitate to harm him.

Finally after a five minute pulling the wagon we reach this Guy's house. For me it's big for someone like him.

"Do you live here alone y/n" My mom asked to the guy.

He only just nods at Mom.

"Your house is really huge!
Y/n-niichan" Teiko said.

He just pat Teiko's head and I just glare at him.

He doesn't react, his pretty emotionless he doesn't smile not show any emotions.

His like a living doll.

The house was really different from the house we used to live with that pathetic guy.

We already all settled down and he only have three futons and three blankets.

Why do he have three blankets for himself, his really an idiot.

"I'm sorry, I only have three futons and blankets" He said.

"It's fine, I even thought you only have one, I'm surprised you have extra" Mom said.

He shows a bit of emotion and back to his emotionless face he wore.

"Father and Mother used to use the two" He mumbled enough to hear for me and mom.

"Oh... where are they?" Mom asked.

"They already dead" He said.

I'm a bit shock by it and mom also.

No wonder he is emotionless.

The silence came to us, While setting the futons, All of my siblings slept comfy to it with Mom.

I was sharing futon with Genya who is drooling in his sleep, I couldn't help myself to think, how he live. He must be really lonely after losing his loved ones. I thought to myself and shake that thought and back to my guard.

I stay awake just in case he will do something bad.

Now, I notice you didn't have a futon to sleep in. Where did you sleep then.

I get up looking for the odd person we just met. I can't just trust someone, I just met and trust him cause he give us food and a place to stay.

I looked for him and he was sitting in the window his gaze outside look so distance.

"Oi, why your not sleeping yet" I asked.

He only look at me.

"I couldn't sleep" He whispered said.

"Was it tough?" I suddenly blurted out.

He only looked at me with a question mark.

"Living alone" I said.

He looked away and return his gaze outside.

"Yeah...it was suffocating each day of living" He said.

I also imagine my situation if I was leave alone by my loved ones.

He look like a bit of lil bro of mine. I pat his head and sigh.

"Go get some rest, and I apologise for being rude to you and thank you for giving us food and a place to stay" I said looking at the other direction.

I trust him a bit.

3rd POV

After Sanemi pat y/n's head and hear his kind words. Y/n feel so warm inside, it's the feeling she once had when her loving parents were still alive.

A smile slowly creep into the emotionless y/n. Sanemi was blushing cause he was embarrassed to admit his wrong.

Y/n and Sanemi doesn't notice that Sanemi's mom was awake and watching them and smiling after seeing them to finally get along.

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