"Go bye-bye?" he asks as I buckle him in.

"Yeah we go bye-bye" I tell him and shut his door and then put his baby stuff in the passenger seat then climbed in.

"Inn toy?" he asks.

"Here buddy" I say as I pass a couple back to him.

"Fank ou"

"No problem" I tell him as I reverse out of the drive.

"Lets go and pick up Sam and Artie" I say to him, but probably more to myself. I arrive at Sam's and get out to greet him. A couple minutes later we got in.

"Sam" Blaine cheered.

"Hey buddy"

"Why do you have Blaine?"
Before I answer I look back at Blaine, who was to occupied looking out of the window then looked at Sam and mouthed 'i'll tell you later' and he just nodded.

"We just need to pick up Artie" I tell him.

"That's fine" I get to Artie's and talk to him for a couple minute as well then helped him in to the car in the back with Blaine. I then put his wheelchair in the boot with Blaine's pushchair.

"Hey Blaine" Artie cooed and Blaine started to cry. Kurt did remind me that Blaine might not still remember people from the New Directions.
I walk over to Blaine's side and open his door.

"It's alright Blaine, he's not going to hurt you" I soothe as I left him in his car seat.

"Here you wanna a drink?" I offer him out of his changing bag. He nods his head 'yeah', probably a bit too shy to talk.

"Right lets go" I tell them as I get in the car and head to the school.

"Oh Artie sorry about Blaine, he's still not able to remember most of the New Directions yet, so don't take offence" I tell him.

"Oh no, no it's fine, I understand, there's no offence takin'" he tells me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah totally" we get to the school and I get out Artie's wheelchair and Blaine's pushchair, both set up. Sam gets Blaine and puts him in his pushchair then the changing bag in the basket underneath while I got Artie and put him in his wheelchair. We got in and sat down at the bottom because we had a pushchair and a wheelchair.

"Excuse me Sir can you please move the pushchair, people can't get through?" he snaps at me.

"Jeez, well if you asked politely I might of"

"Why would I talk politely to some fags?" he says starting to get angry.

"He's a big baby" he mimics Blaine.

"Hey leave him alone" I tell him getting worked up.

"Inn" Blaine starts to cry.

"Alright buddy" I look at him and whisper to Artie, if he could hold Blaine a sec while I fold the pushchair and talk with this man.

"Come here" I say and get Blaine out.

"Here" I say and put him in on Artie's lap, but he just cried even harder, I quickly fold the pushchair and have a word with the man, who than apologised and walked off.

I walk over to Artie and see Blaine playing with his face and laughing.

"See you two are having fun?" I say.

"Inn! Inn! looked!" he says and I watch him play with Artie's face.

"Ok that's enough" I tell him.


"Oh look the games about to start, here Blaine" I say as I reach out for Blaine to come into my arms, but he refused and stayed in Artie's lap.

"Buddy, I don't think Artie wants you to sit on his lap" I tell him.

"He's fine Finn besides I can't really feel anything on my legs anyway" he reassures me.

"Ok" we watched the game for a while when Blaine got a bit fussy.

"You need a change kiddo?" I ask him and he nods. 'Great, I can't go into the girls toilets' I thought. I then noticed Rachel in the corner and I walked up to her with Blaine in my arms and the changing bag.

"Hey can you do me a favour please?"

"Sure what is it?" she asks.

"As I can't go into the girls toilets, can you change Blaine please?" I ask him with hope in my eyes.

"Fine" she sighs, but smiles.

"Thanks" I say and kiss her then pass Blaine and the changing bag over. I walk back over to where I was sat and waited to Blaine came back. 5 minutes later, Rachel came back with Blaine.

"This one did a stinker" she chuckles and hands Blaine back over.

"Thanks" I say.

"May I sit with you guys?"

"Sure" we watched the end of the game and dropped everyone off, but brought Rachel back to the house.

"He's asleep" she whispers.

"It's fine, I'll get him out" I say and get out of the car and gently pick Blaine up and unlock the house then took him upstairs and laid him down.

2 hours later Kurt came back.

Kurt's pov:

"Hey baby" I smile as he was playing on the floor with Rachel and Finn.

"Daddy" he cheers and crawls to me.

"You have a good day?" I ask him as I put my stuff down and pick him up.

"Eah, me wike 'tie"

"Tie?" I look at Finn confused.

"I took him to the basketball game with the guys" he says and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"It's fine, he needs to get used to them" I shrug.


"Really" I chuckle. He liked his toy he got and couldn't stop playing until bedtime.

3 hours later I was putting Blaine down for bed and kissing him goodnight, then going downstairs to tell my family we get to keep Blaine, then heading to bed myself.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now