Chapter Seven

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You shivered wrapping an arm around your midriff as the chilly Autumn rain slammed hatefully onto your small frame. 'Just my fucking luck,' you growled mentally as you spun around slowly. Maybe as an inexperienced Omega you shouldn't have ran off by yourself into the forest that close to the sunset. Oh, were you royally lost. Casting your sour (e/c) gaze up to the indigo hued sky you fought back the urge to curse at the howling wind and hissing rain. It'd been maybe three hours since you had gotten yelled at by Shouto and part of you wanted to return to the safe and somewhat accepting village. You really wanted to talk to Denki since you'd formed a new platonic bond with the electric blond Omega when you saved his life. Your pride however had you refusing to try and head back in the direction you hoped the village was; but no, you just had to wait ten more minutes. That's why you stood in the middle of a clearing shaking viciously because you were soaked down to the bone. You spotted a dark and large cave and let out a small giggle of relief. Shelter at last! You jogged into the cave quickly and sighed when you felt the lack of the annoyance that had been the assault of the rain.

"S-so cold." You thought aloud as your teeth chattered slightly and you leaned your back into the stone cave wall. Your relaxation vanished at the laughter ringing out from deeper into the cave; you ripped yourself up from the wall and turned to face the noise. 'Be brave,' you cooed to yourself inwardly. 'Don't let them know you're intimidated.' You thought trying to hype yourself up despite the pang of fear pulling down your spine to the floor.

"Leaving so soon Omega?" A sultry voice called out as they drew near. You gagged at their scent it was that of burning tea leaves; almost seemingly rotten but distinctly Alpha. Once he stood in the semi lit entrance to the cave did you realize the Alpha was male. His ebony colored tresses spiked up dangerously from his head and you found yourself cowering away from him. Pale white skin was unmarred and porcelain smooth and yet you instantly thought Shouto's was prettier despite scar on his face. Your eyes slowly trailed up his muscular and broad chest to meet his gazes. Cerulean eyes met yours and a black eyebrow rose slowly.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion." You spoke respectfully making sure to hold his gaze while your thoughts kept drifting back to Shouto. 'It's like their eye color is so similar.' You thought keeping your gaze void of emotions as best as you could.

"You aren't intruding doll," you frowned as the nickname rolled of his flirtatious tongue. You deemed him a were-beast based on his height and large frame, but you kept that comment to yourself. "I'm Dabi and you are?" Dabi's question was laced with confusion as he scented the air and he closed his eyes in thought. 'I don't feel comfortable here.' You thought to yourself fighting the urge to run. Deciding on not angering the stranger you gulped down the saliva coating your tongue in preparation for answering his question.

"(Y/n)." You spoke curtly and breathed out in relief when you heard the rain let up on its hateful attack. Just a few more minutes and you could leave no longer needing the shelter. Hopefully Dabi would let you go without a fight, if need be you refused to back down.

"That's a nice name doll." Dabi cooed playfully slowly dropping his gaze down your figure. Cerulean eyes hungrily drew in your figure before locking onto your own (e/c) gaze. "What's an unclaimed Omega like you doing all alone?" The taller Alpha quizzed again leaning his side into the cave wall and crossing his tone arms over his chest.

"I got lost while on a walk." You explained quickly stealing a glance over your shoulder to see that rain had eased into a slight drizzle. 'I should leave now.' You thought but the mystery that was Dabi kept your feet rooted into the cave floor a moment longer. A smirk lifted up the edges of Dabi's full lips and you were surprised that you didn't blush at his suggestive behavior. It was then that you realized you only really blushed when it came to Shouto. How strange.

The Sea of Yesterday.  (Alpha! Shouto Todoroki x Female Omega! reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang