off with a stranger

121 3 4

From this point on, there are Legacy spoilers

“Is it just me, or do all of you want to deny this?” Dex said with a nervous chuckle.

“You don’t have a choice. Besides, right now, you’re the only one who didn’t meet anyone from their family.”

“I have a family?” Dex asked, sounding awed.

“Me and keefe haven’t either” I jump in.

A hint of a smile plays on Oralie’s lips as she says, “trust me, Keefe is better off without them.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Keefe snorts

“And you just have.” Says Oralie, completely ignoring Keefe.

My blood turns cold. Her? My mom? Must be a mistake!

“You’re my daughter, and I’m sorry I had to leave you in a human orphanage, but you would’ve been killed if I didn’t”

“Are you expecting a ‘thank you’?” I surprise myself at my harsh tone “‘cause you’re not getting one!”

“I know I have been a horrible mo-”

“You haven’t been one at all!” I see Oralie flinch, but I don’t care “In case you haven’t noticed, I live in an orphanage.”

“I know, and I’m sorry I can’t take you back, but the lost cities are a mess-”

“The lost cities?” Dex asks, “Is that where my family lives?”

"Yes,” says Oralie, “and that’s where I’m taking you”

“WAIT!” Biana yells, “before we this whole ‘go with a stranger’ thing that adults always tell us not to do. Mind telling us where we’re going?”

“All I can say is that you’re not human”

“Then  you’re saying we’re aliens?” Tam cracks up.

“I’m saying you’re elfs”

“So, do you want us to make presents in Santa’s workshop, or are we the kind that makes cookies?” Fitz teases.

“I can show you.” says Oralie, pulling out a slender stick from her pocket.

“Is that your magic wand?” I can’t help but join in on the teasing.

“Hold my hands, and concentrate”
We do as she says, making a circle, then I notice a pale blue crystal at the end of the wand. She spins the crystal, and locks it into place. It feels like a thousand feathers under my skin are trying to break me apart, and the only thing that keeps them from succeeding, is a thin blanket of warmth wrapped around me.

And then It’s over suddenly, we’re standing on a small hill, covered in snow. There’s a cold wind, and the air is so pure, it smells like pancakes and a bunch of other sweets. In the distance, I can see an amazing beach, with the vivid colors of the sun illuminating it.

When I’m done taking in the view, I notice three small, hooded figures playing in the snow. Oralie curses, and signals us towards them.

YES! I made the triplets be in th neverseen *evil laughter * I'm going to post a picture of them in my ig today... @kotlc._.fanpage

12 Years Earlier [KOTLC Fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang