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"Y/N WAKE UP!" Oh shit it really was a dream, damn i really thought i was in stranger things!

My heart sank, I was so so sure this was real but then it all went away just like that.

"Ugh why'd you wake me up i was having the best dream!"

"Well we're about to land so bad to be done, sorry love." Sadie laughed

"urgh it's fine, i LOVE landings! Thanks for waking me! Ahhh I'm so excited! Ive never been to New York!" Sade looks scared.
"I hate landings, they scare the shit out of me."  You could see the fear in Sadies eyes and the tears behind to form.. Unfortunately this wasn't such a smooth landing it was very bumpy.
Hoy she dud Sadie just grab my hand? She looks so scared! I can hardly blame her though this is a horrible landing!

Y/N hugged Sadie and reassured her as they landed.

I know i should be feeling bad for Sadie and i do but oh my god I'm hugging Sadie sink! We sat there for a few minutes until the plane finally came to a stop.
"Hey its ok Sadie, weve landed now. It's ok, shhh. It's all ok were safe and we can start getting off in a minute." She slowly calmed down and thanked me for helping her. We got of the flight and for the first time in my life i saw press everywhere. I started to back into the plan and I accidentally walked into David harbour!
"Sh-uger sorry David! Ive never been near press like this." Shit i can't believe i just did that! Ive never been the one the press were taking photos of a group I'm in.
"Don't worry about it kid, I remember my first Time when i saw the press it was overwhelming. You'll be fine just smile and walk that's what i do." Dude i just got Advice from David! Ok now i need to thank him and get on with this.

"Whose the new cast member?"
"Millie smile for the camera!"
"Finn is it true your going to be in the new ghostbusters movie?"

That was just 3 of the hundreds of questions that the press shouted at us. It was overwhelming but we had got out of there sight soon and before we knew it we were at the hotel. I was just expecting a casual premiere inn (English hotel) type hotel but this one was very posh.  You were all assigned a room buddy, Mine's was Maya which was nice because your friends.
It was currently 12am.
"Hey Maya I'm going to bed night." Oh she's already asleep! She literally just sat on the bed.

Hey I hope everyone likes this chapter! Yesterday Wattpad delete this book and I was so so upset but I'm so glad it's back! Please ignore any mistakes💗
Have a good day🌷

WHY ME? {Sadie sink x reader}Where stories live. Discover now