"You scared me. Why are you so close?" I touch my chest.

"No reason."

He kissed my cheek and took one bowl of popcorn and left while I stood there staring into space. I mean I kiss his cheek everytime, he kisses my forehead but still every time he does that I remember the incident where he kissed me close to the mouth. I sometimes wonder if he remembers. I shake my head. No need bothering myself about it.

I carry the other bowl and walk into the living room. No freaking space. They are sprawled out everywhere. Both the floor and the couches. Where am I going to sit now? I look around then stopped at Brandon because I see him beckoning me over. I get there, keep the bowl on the centrepiece then face him.


He turns his finger gesturing for me to turn which I do, then he hooks his hand around my waist and puts me on his lap. After a few seconds of shock, I start struggling to which he responds by tightening his grip on my waist and whispering in my ear,

"Stop struggling and watch your movie, I'm not complaining".

I look around but everyone's immersed in the movie, so I do as he says. It was awkward at first but as I get lost in the movie, I start relaxing. By the time the movie ends, I'm sobbing. I can't help it. I'm a sucker for emotional movies. Brandon's just keeps chuckling.

"Everyone's feeling sleepy. Come on. Time to give you your gift".

I squeal,


He just shakes his head. I know, swift mood change. I'm like that. He's used to it but is still looking at me like I'm weird which I am but totally irrelevant at this point.

"Come on! Let's go!"

I get up and drag him with me but then stop.

"You better lead because I have no idea where we are going". He laughs.

"Come on. To my bedroom."

Let me let you in on something. No matter how amazing his living room is, his bedroom is more awesome. Just believe me because I almost never lie. Almost. He opens the room.

"Okay. Sit. I'll get it from my closet".

"Shoo. Hurry".

I make the shooing hand motion to which he laughs to. I should become a clown. I would make so much money judging by how many times Brandon laughs at me in a day. He goes to the closet and brings out a red velvet box and before your mind goes elsewhere, it's not a ring box, we aren't even a couple. He gives it to me.

"Open it".

I do and I gasp at the gift. It's not very expensive, it's quite simple actually. It's a gold locket which contains a picture of both of us.

"I know it's not much but you don't like material things and it's pretty simple like you".

I hug him on the verge of tears.

"It's perfect. Thank you so much".
He chuckles,

"don't cry, it's a small gift".

"I know but it means so much to me".

"Sure. Sure. Let me help you put it on".

I turn around and he puts it around my neck.

"Thank you again. Let's go join the others, yeah?"


When we get back to the living room, everyone's fallen asleep. Jo was now on top of Chase. I shook Brandon and pointed to them.

My Best Friend and I. (Best Friends series). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now