Persistent | 11

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"Naomi, I love you, will you be my girlfriend?"

Ah, there it is.

I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, I was expecting it. But why does it still hurt? I didn't want to hear her response, knowing that it'll be a yes. It's not that I was not happy for Bokuto-san, in fact I'm really satisfied that he's happy, but why with her?

Anyways, I just hope he'll be happy and that Naomi won't treat him like shit. I sighed before smiling bitterly. I looked down, "I- I don't feel well, I think it's better for me to go home." I said to Konoha before heading to the exit without letting him respond.

I walked out and cursed when I felt droplets of water start to drench me. How stupid of me. I didn't even know that it was raining, therefore I didn't have an umbrella, or a jacket to protect me. I sighed and said screw it, I don't care if I get wet, and I'm sure as hell not running to my place, I don't have energy for that.

I walked looking downwards causing me to bump onto a few people, but it's not like I care, all I was thinking about was how stupid I was to fall for Bokuto. I mean, he's out of my league, clearly. He's good-looking, friendly, joyful, perfect in general, and did I mention that he was as straight as a pole?

I snickered at myself. How did this even happen? All my life, I've been trying to avoid getting close to people knowing I wasn't good enough and that I'll just get hurt in the end. Now suddenly, I meet this guy at my new school, became friends with him and realized I liked him.

It all happened so fast. I was a fool for not stopping myself from the very start. I should have just avoided him like I would normally do to other people.

Funny thing is, I'm not even crying anymore. I'm still very much sad but there's no tears that was pouring out. I guess I cried all of them out this week, huh. It feels worse though, not being able to let out your emotions, feeling your heart breaking but can't do anything about it.

I reached my house and was relieved when I saw that my parents weren't home yet. I took a shower and washed my heavily drenched clothes before sitting down at my desk. I thought that maybe drawing will make me feel a little better.

I took my phone and clicked on Spotify. I put it on shuffle and rolled my eyes when I heard that "Say you won't let go" (slowed down) was playing.

Wow, the universe really wants me to suffer and feel like shit today.

I grabbed all my art supplies that I'll need and got started. At first I tried scrolling through Pinterest for reference but I couldn't find anything that looked interesting to draw.

I decided to just let my emotions let control. I started drawing and drawing, trying to distract myself from anything else.

After awhile, I finally finished and looked at my piece. It was a boy under the moonlight. Very peaceful.

That's enough for the day.

I turned off my music and plopped myself on my bed face first. I hugged my pillow and wrapped myself up in my blanket before slowly dozing off.

Thump thump thump

I was awaken to the sound of little rocks hitting my window. I was kinda irritated. I got out my sweet comfy bed and made my way to the window. I opened it and was about to scream when I saw Bokuto-san.

I ran downstairs and opened my front door. "Bokuto-san, it's late, what are you-" my face softened when I saw his expression. He looked genuinely sad, this was the first time I saw him like this.

I let him in. We went back up to my room and sat on my bed. "Bokuto-san, what happened?" He wasn't answering me. It was just silence, so I was about to ask him again, but before I got the chance, he pulled me in a very tight hug.

"I should have listened to Konoha, I'm so stupid, am I?"


I need some KuroKen or Iwaoi fanfics recommendations, help me out pleaseee. Anyways, this was kind of a long chapter but I hope you guys still enjoyed it.

Also, I'm thinking of doing a face reveal, will you guys like that???

I love ya guys thanks for reading!

Persistent | BokuAka (completed)Where stories live. Discover now