Chapter 7 - Serpentine

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Randall drove Yvette to the amusement park for their date. He was able to borrow a car from one of his classmates. Well, borrow would not be the proper term because he paid for it. To clear it out, Randall rented his classmate's car for a high price since it was a luxury car. Randall thought that if he wanted to show the girl of his dreams ever since from middle school a good time, a Ferrari was a good way to go.

"Am I supposed to be impressed?" Yvette chuckled. She was aware that Randall did not own the vehicle and it was not a necessity for him to own one since he lived in the dorms. "Don't tell me that you hot-wired it?"

"You don't give me enough credit," the werewolf rolled his eyes. "I rented it,"

"So...where are we going?"

"The amusement park,"

Yvette could not help but raise an eyebrow at her date. "Really? The amusement park, Randall?"

"What?" Randall shrugged. "I wanted to take you there ever since we were in middle school,"

"You wanted to ask me out on a date back then?"

"What don't you get when I said that I had the biggest crush on you before?" Randall knew that taking Yvette to the amusement park was a little bit childish on his part. However, it was the first place that came into his mind.

All he knew was that anywhere would be fine as long as he was with Yvette Perry. Yvette's existence made him forget about Lilith Bathory, his supposed-to-be girlfriend and Timber's champion, whose memories also got erased by the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose. Randall did not care if Lilith would be mad at him once her memories had returned. This was Yvette. The beautiful Yvette who had captured his young heart from years ago.

No way that Randall would let this moment pass by.

Yvette smiled a genuine one. What happened yesterday seemed like years ago as she hanged out with Randall Carpio, the boy who did not know that Yvette also had a crush on him before. What would have happened if Randall confessed before her ex-boyfriend, Andy Fields came into Yvette's life? Would they be together? If yes, would they still be together now?

"I'm looking forward to it," Yvette kissed Randall on the cheek which took the werewolf by surprise. "Take me to a place far away, pri—werewolf,"

As girly as it sounded in Randall's head. He felt good about the kiss Yvette game him on the cheek. Sure, they already had hot-steaming sex multiple of times but this was different. This time, it really felt that Yvette was his girlfriend. "As you wish, serpentine."


Yvette and Randall panted as they finished the last ride in the amusement park. The two of them walked to the direction of the Ferrari and Randall drove away a few minutes after.

Yvette never thought that she would have this much fun with a person other than Andy Fields. She regretted being on bad terms with Randall before. If only she knew that it would be this fun hanging out with Randall, they would have been the best of friends in middle school, that was if no one confessed.

Randall felt more than satisfied. He was having fun and seeing Yvette happy made him feel ecstatic. He reminded himself to pat himself on the back later for a job well done. "The night's not over," Randall informed the serpentine. "I figured that we should end the night with a mature date,"

"What do you have in mind?" Yvette asked curiously.

"You'll see,"

Minutes later, Randall pulled over in front of a restaurant. When the two got out of the car, Randall gave the keys to the valet then a waiter ushered them inside.

"Fancy," Yvette commented as she studied her surroundings. "You could have just taken me in a cheaper restaurant, you know? I don't want you to spend your allowance on something as extravagant as this, Randall,"

Randall placed a hand on the small of Yvette's back. "Money's not a problem," Randall smiled. "This is our first date. I want it to be special,"

After they sat, the two ordered meals from the menu together with a bottle of champagne. It did not take long for their food to be served. There were not a lot of people in the restaurant so that probably was the reason why the cooks did not have their hands full.

Yvette and Randall talked about a lot of things from middle school. They talked about their friends from years ago, their teachers, and their childhood enemies. Randall talked about the pranks that he pulled in the school and Yvette laughed as she reminisced the moments that Randall got caught by the teachers whilst doing those said pranks.

Yvette felt overwhelmed by her emotions. As Randall laughed, she knew that she was in deep...deep trouble. She did not expect for this to happen so suddenly. She should not have gone out with Randall—knowing that she would be leaving this Saturday. How could she let herself fall in love with the werewolf?

"—And do you remember the time when I brought a snake to school?" Randall continued telling his story.


The word clearly bugged Yvette. She needed to be buried underground for two years or else—her humanity would be lost because the serpent would take over her body and soul. She suddenly remembered how she found Andy and Emily's lifeless bodies on the ground. On the other hand, she had no memories of how she killed them.

"I—I'm sorry," Yvette stood up.

"Hey!" Randall widened his eyes. Clearly, he had no idea of what was happening. "Was it the 'snake' thing? I wasn't referring to you, Eve. Let's en—"

"It's not that!" Yvette snapped which made some of the heads inside the restaurant to turn around and look at her. "I don't want to hurt you, Randall," the serpentine whispered. She did not wait for Randall's response as she walked out of the restaurant. 

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