- So..... Jungkook started to explain to me what had happened and who the girl was.

- So you didn't cheat on Y/N? I asked.

- No, I didn't, I would never cheat on her, I love her with all my heart. He said with a shaky voice as he was on the verge of crying.

- Well Y/N thinks that you cheated on her. I said after a while.

- How do I make her want to talk to me again? She has been ignoring my text and calls.

- I don't know, I guess I can talk to her tomorrow.

He nodded his head before he stood up. He thanked me and left, driving home.

Your pov:

You woke up to the smell of pancakes filling your nostrils. You took a look at the clock that was showing at 9 pm. You went up from the couch where you had been sleeping for the whole night and walked into the kitchen to see Y/F/N cooking breakfast.

- Hi, how are you? Y/F/N asked once she saw you.

Suddenly the memory of yesterday came back to your mind and tears started welling up in your eyes again.

- Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N. Your friend said, giving you a hug.

 -No, it's fine. You said.

- Look Y/N I really think you should talk to Jungkook and let him explain.

- But I don't want to see him.

- What if you're overreacting? What if he is not cheating on you? You need to talk to him to know the truth. Your friend said.

- Fine! Ok, I will talk to him. You said storming out of the kitchen and out of her apartment.

You drove home and went inside the cold apartment. When Jungkook saw you he immediately stood up from the couch and walked up to you with a sad expression on his face. Your eyes scanned the living room and you notice that Jungkook had taken his pillow and cover and slept on the couch. You and Jungkook had this thing that nighter one of you would sleep in the bed if one of you were away, you had to sleep on the couch and the other person that was away had to sleep on a couch as well because you didn't want to sleep in a bed without each other.

- Y/N baby, I'm so sorry. Jungkook started.

- Yeah yeah, start explaining now. You said with a cold voice.

It took Jungkook by surprise because you had never used that voice against him. He gestured towards the couch and you both sat down. He took your hands in his but you quickly took them back, intertwining them on your lap.

- So let's start from the beginning. Her name is Kim Yumi, I meet her in high school. She was the popular mean girl and I was the captain of the handball team. We dated during whole high school but then she kind of flirted with other boys and stuff plus she was really mean to other people that wasn't "popular" so I broke up with her. We graduate and after high school, we meet a couple of times and hooked up. But then I meet you and you got pregnant so I told her that we had to stop and that you were pregnant, but she didn't like that and she has been coming to my office a couple of times but I have told my security not to let her in. I haven't heard from her in a while until yesterday when she ran up to me and hugged me. Y/N I'm so sorry, I would never cheat on you. Jungkook said looking at you.

- But why didn't you tell me, Kook? We have been together for 7 years and I have never heard of her. You said hurt.

- I know I should have told you but I just never got the courage to tell you. He confessed.

- What do you think would have happened?

- I don't know, I don't even know why I was afraid Y/N, I'm so sorry, please forgive me? He begged and looked at you with his big doe eyes.

- I will forgive you, but you have to promise me that we tell each other everything. You said seriously.

- I promise. I love you so much Y/N. Jungkook said as he started to lean into you.

- I love you too Kook. You said breathing heavily.

- Can I kiss you? He asked, you just nodded a "yes" as an answer and he kissed you.

The kiss was sweet and loving but it soon got heated. Jungkook took his and your shirts and pants off. After a hot makeout session, Jungkook lifted you up and carried bridal style to the bedroom.

You woke up the next morning with Jungkook next to you. He had his arms wrapped around your waist as he quietly snored against the back of your neck. You turned around facing him and watched his peacefully sleeping figure. You kissed his cheek multiple times attempting to wake him up.

- 5 more minutes. He said with a raspy morning voice pressing your body closer to his.

- No, we have to get up, the clock is already 11 am. You said lightly shaking him.

- Please Y/N, can't we cuddle for 5 minutes?

- Fine! But only for 5 minutes. You said laughing and he kissed your lips and then he wrapped his arms tightly around your body as you snuggled into his strong well-built chest.

5 minutes turned into 10 that turned into 20 and soon 40 minutes had passed, but you didn't care, you just wanted to lay in bed with him all day cuddling. But you couldn't you two had to get your daughter from Jungkook's parent's house. You got up and then headed to the kitchen to make some brunch. As you two were eating you talked about the new baby and what gender you think it will have.

- I think it will be a boy. Jungkook said confidently.

- Are you sure? Well, I'm positive it's going to be a girl. You said smiling proudly at him.

- No, you know, I have this father instinct that tells me it's a boy.

- Oh really? C'mon admit it you just want to have a boy that you can play overwatch with.

- Well, I also need someone that will stand on my side, Y/D/N and you always gather together against me. He said raising his eyebrows.

- You wanna make a bet? You asked teasingly.

- Sure, If I win you have to cook dinner every day for a whole month. He said. You sighed at his proposal.

- Fine, but If I win you have to give me a massage every day until this pregnancy is over because this baby is killing me. You said laughing. Reaching out your hand to him. He took is and shook it smiling at you.

- Deal. 

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