Chapter 2: The Escape

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Cole grips Cassie's hand and they make a run for it as the people started to throw rocks at them, "I gave you the food, leave us alone!" Cole shouts at them as he and Cassie ran down the street, then his phone went off. "Listen, man, I'm almost at the bridge. Since everyone here hates yours and Cassie's guts, we got to get out of town, pronto-like." Zeke informs them as the two turns down an ally. "We'll meet you there. And Zeke – thanks for watching our backs." Cole thanks him as they stop to watch their breath.

"Ha, sure man. I ain't about to do anything that might piss you or Cass off. See ya." Zeke tells them and Cole hung up and looks at Cassie. "Cassie... I'm sorry you got miss into this," he tells her, but she just looks at him and shook his head. "It's alright Cole, people need someone to blame, to direct their anger towards. I get that," she answers him, but he didn't smile as he saw the frown on her face.

"But what happened to Mum and Dad? Where are they? Why did you and I survive that blast?" she questions as she was scared, but Cole grips the sides of her head and makes her look at him. "I promise you, we will find your parents. Have faith," he tells her, she looks at him, nods and wipes away her forming tears. "Okay... okay," she mutters and they both run out of the alley and down the street to Stampton Bridge.


They both ran until they had the bridge in view and Zeke ran up to them, "Stampton bridge, the fastest way out of town. That is if you can get us to pass those baton-wielding goons." Zeke informs them as Cassie took a step closer to Cole. "We're getting out of here, one way or another. Follow my lead." Cole tells him and he looks down at Cassie and places his hand on hers. Making her look up at him, "Stay close to me, alright?" he tells her and she nods her head.

They then ran to the bridge, "You have entered a restricted area. Lethal force may be used at any time. Please return to your homes. You will be notified when the Quarantine has been lifted." the officer informs the crowd as Cole, Cassie and Zeke walkthrough. -Going to have to get passed those riot cops if we want out of here. If I fry a couple of guards from inside the crowd, bet I can trigger a riot. Help keep the heat off me, Zeke and Cassie. Course that means a lot of innocent people will get the hell kicked out of them.- Cole tells himself.

Then he whispers into Cassie's ear, she looks at him when he pulls back, nods at him and the two walk of to each side and of the crowd. Both step out in front of the crowd and fires at the guards, making them come at them, Cassie lets out shockwaves, knocking them back and Cole whams at them with his punches. Zeke fires off his gun as they finish off the last of the guards. Then Cole fires at the panel, fire at it, making it charge and opens the door.

"Eat some hot lead!" Zeke shouts as he, Cole, Cassie, and the people ran inside, then the two Conduits duck behind a divider. "Those barricades will make good cover!" Zeke calls out to them and the two fired at the guards on top of the containers, hitting them hard, wounding them and then make a run-pass the containers, but then dives back as turrets fired at them "Hey watch out those Machine gun! Flank 'em if you have to!" Zeke calls out to them. Cassie leans out and fires at the guard behind the turrets, nailing one in the head and he flies back.

Then everyone ran as Cassie disable the gun and she and Cole ran to the containers and jumps up them. As two turret guns were now firing at them, they both fired at them, knocking the guards out, then the civilians ran to the next gate as the two jumps down and Cassie disables the turrets. Cole fires at the panel, powering it up and the door opens. Everyone ran through the door and hid behind the containers as the turrets fired at them, "Hey man, hang from the top of that container. And try shootin' 'em. It'll make you and Cass a harder target!" Zeke informs then and the two did so.

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