𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣

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Mari's point of view

I woke up to the sound of rain beating off the window, I like the rain. It's very calming if you ask me. I slowly got up and gazed out of the window to the surrounding woods I saw a bear and two baby bears. If I'm well enough I tend to put whatever gone off meat near the cave they live so they can have some food if they weren't able to eat and it gets rid of the meat as well so that's a perk.

For my whole life so far I've been very sickly when I was a little girl. It was constant doctors and hospitals and they would all say 'we don't have diagnoses' but one doctor said that I just may have a very, very low immune system. My mum says that it's a miracle that I've lived this long, I'm 19 years old. It was my birthday a few weeks ago. I love it when it's my birthday all my sisters come to see me as well as other family members but my sisters are my favourite. There's Jane, Lucy and Jasmine their triplets, Jasmine and Lucy visit me the most because Jane has a very important job. But she won't tell me what it is.

I heard the doorbell ring and I slowly made my way to it and opened the door. It was the delivery man "good morning Mari I got your food"

"Thank you, Leo, how's work been?"

"Busy like you wouldn't believe. People nowadays order online so I've been all over the place"

"That sounds exciting you get to meet new people!"

"Mari, are you well enough to put these away yourself or would you like me to do it?"

"I can do it today" I smiled at him. He gave me my shopping, waved goodbye and left.

After finally putting all the shopping away I decided to try the new book I got for my birthday. The cover was very pretty. It was black and orange, it's called ink. While I was reading it I must have fallen asleep but I don't remember putting my book on the table and my tea was gone. I got up and looked in my sink and there it was.

I stared at it, dumbfounded on how it got there.

I thought I saw something wavy by the window but it quickly went away. My phone started to buzz I picked it up and all I could hear was clicking and growling. I hung up and threw my phone on the couch. I forgot to leave the nasty meat for the bears I went into my room and got ready. I pulled out a woolly yellow sweater and leggings. I quickly tied my hair up and sprayed it with hairspray, I went downstairs and got the meat and made my way to the cave.

The mother and babies were there I went closer and set the meat on the floor, the babies rushed over and started to eat. They wolfed it down until they were full, the mother came closer. I could touch her if I wanted too but I didn't fancy losing my arm, she sniffed me and went back to the food and ate it all. There were some leftovers which she dragged into the cave and I made my way back home.

When I got back home there was I thought I saw the wavy thing I saw earlier and it vanished again, it reminded me of when it was really hot and if you looked in the distance it would be distorted and well ... wavy. I turned the telly on and switched through the channels, nothing was on so I left a documentary about animals on in the background. I got my sketchbook out and started to doodle. I drew a number of different animals but my favourite one was a bee playing the violin. Whilst I was drawing a loud roar disturbed me and it wasn't from the telly. I went out into my back garden and nothing was there except a few splodges of something, it was fluorescent green. It reminded me of highlighter ink I went back inside and went back to doodling.

I spent the whole day drawing, I looked at the clock it was coming about 10 o'clock in the evening. I finished up the drawing and put my sketchbook on the table, I thought about whether I should take a bath or shower after a few minutes of the thought rolling around in my head, I finally decided to take a bath. I went to the bathroom and ran a hot bath I took off my clothes and dumped them into a pile on my bed, I got into the bath the warm water engulfed my body and I relaxed for a few moments. I grabbed my shower puff a squeezed a generous amount of my lavender shower gel. After having the bath I put my nighty on and hopped into bed. Just when I was about to fall asleep I thought I saw that wavy thing right in front of me.

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