The Beginning part 2

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It's Monday July 6, 6 am, Katniss woke up. Katniss went down stairs to find that Prim and their mother already awake and has made breakfast. They all wolfed down their breakfast before she and Prim went to school. During the walk to school,she met Madge and the 3 started to walk toward the school together."How are you today, Madge?" Katniss said suddenly."Oh, u- uh...I'm fine." Madge stutters. Katniss noticed that Madge stuttered in her sentence and asks Madge if needs anything."Oh, thanks but I don't want anything." Madge states,but Katniss wasn't convinced. At school, they learned about coal as usual, but Katniss wasn't interested and at lunch, Katniss stared at Madge's face because she was daydreaming,but Madge got embarrassed because and asked if there was something on her face/breaking Katniss' daydreaming. Katniss replied "no." and starts to eat her sandwich. After school, they all went home and Katniss checked the time and it said 3:30 and left her backpack on the floor. She went to the woods to check on the snares and found 2 squirrels and 2 rabbits,so she stuffed it in her hunting bag and started to gather herbs like rosemary and basil, but also vegetables like wild lettuce and carrots. While gathering, she also found a patch of strawberries and grabbed 2 gallons of it. 1 gallon for her and the 1/2 gallon of it for Madge, because she was worried for her and they were friends. As she got home, it was 5:15 so she gave Prim the vegetables,fruits, and 1 squirrel plus a rabbit. She got half a gallon of Strawberries and ran as fast as she could to the mayor's house because she needed to get home before the games start, which was 6:45. As she arrived at the mayor's mansion, she knocked on the door and Madge came out looking exhausted. Katniss gave Madge the strawberries and Madge responded "Oh, thanks Katniss and goes to get money.", but Katniss stopped her as Madge was about to get money and says "Madge, I'm giving you this,because you looked tired at school and I was worried.". Madge thanked her and told her to go inside. As she walked inside, Katniss was a bit shocked of how big Madge's house was and sat down on the couch. The game was about to start so Madge put the strawberries into the fridge and sat beside Katniss as she turns on the TV after they both signed the the piece of paper that was mandatory unless you're on your deathbed because the government wanted to let everyone see the game to show that they are in control. As they watch the tributes die, it was brutal but Madge was actually tired and slept on Katniss' shoulder by accident and Katniss blushed because of the contact and sits still so that Madge doesn't wake up. After it was over, it was 7:30 , but Madge was still asleep so Katniss carried Madge in her arms to her room. As she walks upstairs, she notices a door that's open but ignored it as she walk past because she needed to put Madge in bed first. After she put Madge in the bed and changed her into her nightgown (Katniss blushed as she remembers Madge's body) and leaves. While she was walking down the hall, she noticed the door open still and got curious so she went to close the door, she sees Madge's mother and saw that she was pale, so she went downstairs and went to the fridge.Inside the fridge, Katniss grabs 15 strawberries and some cold ice. She also got some milk out as she finds the blender and puts the ingredients into the blender and blend it. She poured the mixture into a cup and went upstairs to feed her the strawberry smoothie. In Madge's mother's room, she was awake but looked like she's daydreaming, so Katniss fed her the smoothie slowly and surprisingly, she drank the smoothie and went to bed. Katniss went downstairs and washed the glass before she went home. At home, dinner was ready and it was mashed potato with rabbit stew. After they all finished eating, Katniss helped wash the dishes and then went to bed with Prim. 

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