The Beginning

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District 12 :

It was July 5 Sunday right now. Katniss just woke up and makes breakfast with Primrose's goat cheese from her goat Lady and the greens she gathered from the woods."It's about 5 am or so.Time to gather fruits and greens from the woods before 7."Katniss thought.As she was about to take her bag with her to the woods,her mother comes in and asks her where is she going."I'm going to the woods because we are running out of food."Katniss responds."Oh OK,bye."Katniss' mother said as Katniss leaves the house. Katniss stops in front of the electrical fence and slips under it.After she slipped under the wires from the electrical fence, Katniss begins to gather fruits and vegetables such as Red Raspberries,potatoes,strawberries,and more.After she fill her pack with the fruits and vegetables,she began to go back home because it was 6:40 right now,so she needed to leave the woods in 20 minutes.After she went home,she puts all the goods she gathered from the woods.1 gallon of Strawberries,5 pounds of Potatoes,2 quarts of Red Raspberries,50 mint leaves,few pounds of fresh nuts,and some mushrooms and carrots.Prim was awake and helped her put the fruits and vegetables into the kitchen,but Katniss took 1 quart of Strawberries and 1 pound of fresh nuts with her as she leaves to trade the goods in the market. She traded 1/2 quart of the fresh Strawberries and 1 pound of fresh nuts for 3 Salmons and went to Madge's home.Madge's dad was the mayor and bought the Strawberries that Katniss got for a decent price. He liked Katniss,because not only did she occasionally brought fresh Strawberries,she was also a friend of his daughter at school and her daughter didn't had that many friends,so he was happy. Katniss' family was poor so every year,she puts a lot of  tesserae in order to provide her family grain and oil.Since their district is mainly about coal,many of them can only dig coal in order to provide food for their families and even if they earn money,they would die slowly because of black lung. The government made it illegal for people to go under the electrical fence and into the woods to hunt,but since some of the people were dying because of starvation,they must go to the woods in order to survive. Katniss earned some money from the Strawberries and went home.It was about 12 pm when she got home and her family had lunch. Their lunch was 1/2 pound of potatoes and 10 mint leaves for mint tea. After they finished their lunches, Katniss was cleaning the dishes while  her mom and Prim was treating patients. Katniss' mother was a healer in district 12,since going to doctors is too expensive,many people goes to her house to treat sickness or injuries.Prim follows their mother's footsteps and helps around the house to also treat patients with her mother. At 1 pm, Katniss went to Gale's place and they both goes under the fence to the woods,but this time,they hunt meat. Katniss goes to the place where she hid her father's bows and grabs one and a dozen arrows. Then Gale went to the 6 snares he placed yesterday and got 4 rabbits. After he resets the snares, they went hunting. After 2 hours,they got 6 rabbits,3 squirrels,a turkey,and 2 geese. Today,they were lucky that they got the turkey and two geese. Gale and Katniss went to the black market and sold 2 rabbits for a jar of honey which was a very good deal and went to Gale's house. In Gale's house, Gale's mother got a empty jar and poured half honey to it and gave the rest to Katniss. They also splits the goods and katniss got half full jar of honey,1 geese,2 rabbits,and the turkey since she's the one that killed the turkey and more. When Katniss got home, it was 5 and they watched the Hunger Games that was going on right now while Prim was milking Lady and their mom was working on some herbs,but as Katniss walks through the door with the goods, their face beamed with happiness and her mother started to immediately skin the rabbits for the stew they were gonna have for dinner and 5 mint leaves too inside to get a stronger flavor. As they watched the game, they were happy about today's goods,but hated the games. After the games ended, Prim went to get some of Lady's goat cheese and sprinkled it onto the stew after their mother poured the stew and removed the leaves. It was 7 and Katniss went up to bed with Prim and both slept almost immediately feeling satisfied.

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