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"Are you sure, really resolved?"

"Yes. Completely, determined. This is tonight, it will be over!"

"Really, is it really reasonable? Diving to somewhere, getting your cherry popped up by someone not worth a damn?

"Not claiming that it's reasonable. I do say that it seems right to me. Just feeling this way."

"Tell you what, I think you should sleep on it. You gonna have an operation next week, you will not be able to become a mother and you're taking grave decisions under all these mess."

"Yes, I know that I will never be a mother again after the surgery. It was not my dream. I dreamt my first would be with someone I really like. I was not supposed to get married but I want my first being someone I like. I had imagined all so differently, but the life is not like daydreaming. Now, absolutely resolved; now that my right to be a mother is taken from me, I will decide how to lose my virginity. It is my right. And I will give to the most unworthy person!

"Why most unworthy? At least he could be someone you cheerish a little bit."

"Then the pain of it would be here, inside me all my life. Think that, if I make love someone I love, we would have children, and lived happily ever after...But now, in this worst scenario, I won't desire for anyone again, and long for children. Before all else, I want to hate, see? Living through such a bad night, would make me think that both I made my choice, I didn't leave it to the hands of others, and also hating all , I will not feel these desires anymore."

Sounding too worried, "How will you find someone like that?" asked the girl.

"By bargin' into somewhere and than choosing the most undeserving one. I can take care of the rest. No men would refuse a woman who is so willing to get laid."

"Don't find it right, but I still know that if so resolved, nothing can choke yof off."

"So resolved."'

"In fact, you had never longed for a child. Why letting this upset you so so much." Still believing that she could take her friend off the ledge.

"Yes. I never wished for b'cause never wanted to be a mother like my mum. U know, I always hated the etiquette of motherhood. Never desired to be a mother to avoid having that etiquette. It was my decision...It was my own choice. Now this choice had flew away. It's no longer because I wanted or not but it is happening because a higher power wanted it so. Thinking that karma is something such like that." She sounded so heavy hearted.

"How so?"

"For years and years, I repeated this. I will never give birth to a child. Look, what happened now. Be carefull what you wish for."

"But, all these, this is not the end of the world!"

"It's. It's the end for me. Look out from that window. Think about what all those people would think about a woman who will never able to give birth! All will consider me as less a woman. They will sight about me. I don't want that. It should have been my own choice. But not anymore! I don't want them to backbite me. I don't want to hear a word from anybody. Only you, me, and Sahra will know all these. Nobody else. Never. And if one day I hear something, I know that it is one of you, two. Then you will write me off."

"Really believing in this? We may tell someone?" sounding a little bit hurt. But the other one did not even look at her face. 

"Best friends are always best accomplices. And I will be yours, forever, until we die. And when the time comes, you will be my accomplice."

Sina - RebellionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora