"Yeah man, I'm kinda heartbroken, dude, are you guys dating?" a blond guy asked. I noticed he had some red horns growing from the back of his neck. 

I laughed out loud at his comment. Partly because it brought back my memories of my hopeless attempts of flirting with Khun seven years ago, partly because I knew he'd never waste his time with something like that.

"Okay guys," Khun spoke up. "This is [Y/N]. She's a wave-controller that is a part of our team starting from today."

After that, one by one, everyone introduced themselves to me, and Ehwa, that beautiful black-haired girl showed me around the base.

I also found out I had to share a bedroom with her. Now that was kind of bothersome. I liked to sleep without my bandages on to let my skin breathe during the night, which was now impossible if I wanted to keep the thing secret.


It took me some time to settle in the new room. Frankly speaking, I wanted to go back, to the place and people I was already used to. Where everyone knew how I was, and I knew how they were. Where I wouldn't have to bother keeping up a nice act anymore, and nobody would pretend to be interested in me, as it is how the people really are. 

My new teammates seemed friendly and nice, which I wouldn't exactly criticize. But...

During the last years I understood that I am noone's teammate, really. I didn't manage to make any friends on the floor of tests, and that's probably how it will be. Maybe people like me are meant to be alone. And that's fine. Better that way.

I sighed and symbolically waved my hand, as if to chase the sudden negativity away. Using the moment of solitude in my new home I decided to change my bandages. After I was done, I headed out and found everyone in the living room, eating lunch.

"Oh hi [Y/N]!" Goseng called out to me. "Hungry? Come have some of... ehh, Arkraptor, what is this thing called that you cooked?"

"Instant noodles?" Arkraptor answered shamelessly without lifting his head from his bowl.

"WHAA-" Wangnan shouted. "These are damn instant noodles?! What the hell, man?!"

"What's wrong with instant food?"

"The others are trying their best to cook something while you just buy ten packs of instant noodles and call it a day?"

"Don't eat it if you're not hungry."

"That's not how it works!"

The argument went on further, but I didn't listen to it and went to the kitchen to get a portion for myself. I was pretty hungry, after all. I took the bowl back to the living room.

Walking by Arkraptor, I nodded, "Thanks for the food."

He flashed a tiny smile and nodded back.

I sat down on the couch and began devouring my meal.

Someone came up to me, "Say, [Y/N]..."

I looked up. It was Ehwa. I raised my eyebrows, because my mouth was still full of food. Though she didn't manage to finish whatever she wanted, as she was cut off by Khun pulling my arm.

"We have to exchange a couple of words. Come."

"Hnnhhh..!" I protested.

I'm still not done with my food you asshole!

Nevertheless, I set my plate away and let myself be dragged into another room, which turned out to be Khun's office or something.

He motioned for me to sit down at the lone chair that stood on the middle of the room and walked over to the other side of the desk and sat there.

Wow, the atmosphere is kinda tense in here. Is this an interrogation, or something?

I looked around the room and spotted a window. An escape route?

I mean, it's understandable he wouldn't trust me. Heck, I doubt he ever really trusted Bam. I gotta stay cautious around him.


My sight darted to Khun. He rested his chin on his crossed fingers and that made him look perhaps a bit intimidating. His cold gaze pierced through me like two needles.

But I didn't tense up. I didn't betray him, I never did any bad to him, that's why I don't even have to bother to hide anything. I crossed my arms on my chest and leaned on the chair's back, waiting for whatever would come, yet ready to act any second.

"[Y/N]... Bam is alive."

My mind blanked for a second. Then, as I slowly managed to process the three words, my eyes began to water.

"You're not... You're not lying, are you?" I managed to whisper.

"No. Bam really is alive," Khun repeated.

I chuckled and let the tears roll down my face, "That's a relief."

"Well, yeah. But the things got complicated. I've kept you in shadows all these years but now it's time you found out the truth." Khun leaned back and put his hands behind his head, rocking on his chair slightly.

That was rather... unexpected, I must say. I looked up at him, my vision blurry because I haven't stopped crying yet. Bam is alive...! Khun knew and he told me just now. Well, what can I do about it?

"You've heard about F.U.G's new slayer nominee, right?"

I nodded, "Jue Viole Grace? Of course."

"Well, Jue Viole Grace is Bam."

I sprang up.

"[Y/N], sit down."

I didn't.

"[Y/N]," Khun's voice grew more placid, which made me look at him. He was again tilted forward, his look stern as ever. "I realize it's a bit too much to take in, but calm down and hear me out."

After a few more seconds I sat down again but remained tense.

Khun let out a heavy sigh. "Look. Two days ago I went to Arlene's Hand with two of my teammates, and there was an ambush. A part of my team betrayed me and later I was rescued by this team we're a part of right now. They are Viole's teammates. We need to win the upcoming Workshop battle if we wanna get Bam back. I was afraid of keeping you in my team because Rachel was with me, but now that she's gone I don't have to worry you will end up like Bam."

"I..." I didn't know what to say. "I have questions, Khun."

He sighed, "I understand, but save them for later."

"Do you trust this team?"

"I wasn't able to judge that yet. Be careful around them for now. They say they have been together with Viole for over a year now, but don't let your guard down."

Khun lifted from his spot and slowly walked over to me. I traced him with my eyes the whole time. He stopped right in front of me, then patted my head and his lips curled into the tiniest smile.

"Shibisu mentioned to me you've changed over the past years."

Huh. I didn't think anyone would have noticed.

"H-have I?" I asked. My voice cracked in the process, which I guess didn't sound very trustworthy.

Khun must've purposely decided for whatever reason not to push this topic further.

"Well, I'm glad to see you again, [Y/N]." That was all he said.

"Yeah, same," I retorted.

Welp, that sounded kinda cold.

"Come, let's see how strong you've gotten," Khun waved a hand at me to follow him.

And I did.

b i t t e r s w e e t  (Khun Aguero Agnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now