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Hazels POV
I woke up in the middle of the night and i was thirsty so i went downstairs to get water i saw a light on i got scared so i went quietly, i then found mattia looking for snacks

H:hey mattia
M:oh hey wyd up late
H:could ask you the Same question n e wayy i wanted water, you?
M:well guess my fatass wants food so i came looking downstairs
H:hahahha, smartt
M:rightt, so since neither of us are gonna go to sleep wanna go watch a movie in my room
H:sure but if i pass out not my fault
M: ofc not, now i have someone to keep me warm
H:yay now lets get food and take it upstairs

Mattia then gaved ice cream and i got chip and sodas and we walked upstairs not trying to wake up the boys or ana so we wouldn't share with those fatasses

M:wdy wanna watch
H:on my blockk pleasee
M: fine even tho we watch it every time, now come lay down im cold.

I lay down and mattia puts hes hand around me and i put my leg on he's and we cuddle i was feeling some type of way that ik well i shouldn't be this boy is my cousin ex she hates me enough but ik mattia wasn't over her and she wasn't over him not that fasted i notice me falling to sleep before i knew it i was passed out in mattias arms.

Mattia POV
I was cuddling with hazel amd watching a show till i noticed she was asleep i didn't wanna wake her up,but she was sk cute sleeping so i had to take a picture i lean for my phone and successful gave it with out moving this princesses i then put my phone down Nd pass out.

my bestfriend//mattia polibio Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora