Attempted Escape & Preparations

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The top was pulled off

You jump out, your back creaking and clicking from your slouching in the small box. You couldn't feel any pain though. You couldn't feel anything other than fear and anger.

Your feet felt the ground. It was cold like metal, but it looked like stone. Not like you'd ever seen, but this really wasn't the time to be searching your surroundings. Everything was a blur of purple, red and white

You  got ready to run to fight, but you were met with bright lights and ... people?


These weren't people. They reminded you of that one kid from school. You would have laughed if you weren't so afraid.

But this no longer mattered you screamed  and fought and tried to run. You're adrenaline running high, eyes wide, heart racing.

You head was screaming in agony, your eyes water.  Was it the light or was it fear?

You tried to escape, you hit someone down with your forearm while doing so. You couldn't see who, but it caught you off guard and you stop moving for a second...

You heard the small squeak and pop of thick plastic being pierced. Then the sharp pain of a needle in your spine. It stung

You got weaker and limp, you body bending back, your feet stumbling and knees trembling. Everything went all weird. You didn't feel so scared, kinda, happy. Bit giggly. 

The blackness came soon after

It was dark again. You started gasping and hyper ventilating again. You eyes got hot and stingy as tears began to form. As you cried they were absorbed, you realized you couldn't see because of a blindfold tightly wrapped on your face. The material was weird. Different from the plastic still tight on your skin, but more like cotton, still not earthly. Gross. It made you shudder.

Your mind started to clear up, you finally started to listen. Clattering and speaking and the sharp slide of thin metal. You could feel you ribs widely expanding and collapsing. You tried you best to struggle, but you felt paralyzed. Were you even restrained? You jerked yourself forward as fast with the most force as you could. You partially flopped over before being caught by the neck. You spluttered, whatever was around you neck made it hard to breath. A small hand pushed you gently back as the blindfold was pulled down.

Eyes once again shocked by the light, adjusted quickly, seems you were learning to do this fast. The room was very white. 

"They do" you thought. You hadn't really understood what that meant for a second. "...They do, look like that kid from school."

They weren't human. There eyes were fucking huge. Purple and red-ish magenta. They were mesmerizing. Your eyes guided around the room slowly with a heaviness. They had a table with medical instruments, or what looked like them, similar to normal doctors one, but not quite, a bit off.

You looked down and a metal collar was around you neck. "Huh, so that's what chocked me." Your brain wasn't working so fast.

One of the... creatures, started to remove the second skin, it was a almost transparent pink. You looked down at you fist, where they were. It was bruised and cut up. Clearly when you were trying to get out of that box, you had badly hurt it. Not broken, you thought, trying to clench it. They striped off the skin thing and carried it off. You only now realized that's all you had on. You felt hot, you felt sick. No one seemed fazed by this but you. They didn't seem to have the same idea of decency or covering up. Or was I just like an animal? By now you had decided this was a dream or something your mind couldn't possibly understand. It seems the slowness of your mind had made you accept the truth more easily, even though no one has directly told you it yet. You understood. 

Another thing came over and dressed you wounds, all on you feet and knuckles. long flesh wounds vertically running up your hand.

Then one came out with bunches of fabric. You started to get concerned, more than you were already. Okay, you didn't watch as much Sci-Fi as people generally thought. People in school were like "Nerdy, geeky, alternative kid" when that wasn't really true and you didn't like seeing people as basic stereotypes. People aren't just high school archetypes. But what you could discern from the few movies you'd seen, although they were movies and probably inaccurate, aliens ... Huh, that's the first time you thought of them as that ... usually kidnapped people to test on or something. Although that was hypocritical, you didn't like stereotypes. But they did kidnap me, you thought, but maybe they had a pure reason. Wait when has kidnapping ever been for a pure reason. You realized this wasn't the time for ethical discussions with yourself. 

The one with the fabrics started unfolding them. You saw how big you were compared to them. You weren't very tall or very small, but in comparison to them, you were massive, almost twice their size. The fabric was long, most of them a variant of red and purple. A clear theme, based of eye colour, that was a weird system. Or did they colour their eyes? You noticed your mind wandering again, you were scatter brained in usual and whatever they had injected you with WAS NOT HELPING.

They dressed you. The fabrics weren't tight and still see through. They were also cold. You never realized how cold it was, you hairs stood up on your neck. The things were warm, their tiny hands pressing against you every now and again. They had to have a body temperature of at least 40 - 50 degrees (105 - 120 Fahrenheit). Suppose that made sense in their cold environment. 

The final thing they put on you was a heavy pendant. It was a deep magenta, it looked like a bull skull maybe? With one eye. Actually it was the same symbol carved into the box side. Slaughter house thoughts came back. Is that why I'm all dressed up, I'm going to be eaten? you thought, screeching internally, because your mouth still felt numb.

One thing pushed a hand against your chest and undid the collar. You then knew why they had put a hand on you, you were leaning forward. Tipping, like a drunk man giving up. 

A few of them lifted you and started to carry you, you were elegantly placed on stretched fabric. Kind of like a hospital stretcher, but nicer, prettier. You half sat on you left leg with the right on gently placed on it, not your pose of choice of course. Then your hands were chained up. Heavy, heavy chains.

They began to move you out of the room. You were going somewhere important. Those who didn't move you, starred at you with curious intent, like they didn't know what would happen to you.

(Authors note: Sorry if details about this is wrong, I've only watched like 5 episodes of Invader Zim (Only ones I could find), I'm really only apart of the community. Please correct me if I get anything wrong)

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