Loosing All Control

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Henry's POV

I started towards his bedroom door making sure that Leah had left. I didn't want to have to deal with her just yet. It would just be weird for me to talk to her about the break-up. It was just too fast and messy to deal with when my heart was already beating out of my chest. It was also kinda weird when I saw Leah in his room, I mean of all the girls he could talk to, why her?

Once I built up the courage to enter his room, I found him in the same place that he was a moment ago before Leah left. All he did was look at me with a facial expression that made me want to tear up with him. I have never seen him like this before, so vulnerable, like whatever he did, he regretted it. I sat next to him on the bed and asked what was wrong, hoping it wasn't about Bailey.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said hoping he would just be honest with me. He looked like he wanted to tell me everything like he needed someone to vent to, but he couldn't even get a word out. His voice was strained when he talked, so I knew it was serious. I was starting to get worried, hoping it wasn't as bad as he's making it sound.

"You can't know. If I tell you, you'll hate me." He said which kind of scared me a little. I gave him a questioning look that reassured him that I wanted to know.

"Why can't I know about it, It's not like it's about Bailey. Right?" I said. He gave me a crushed, sympathetic look that made my blood boil.

"What did you do! If you hurt Bailey in any way I swear!" I said about to punch him square in the jaw. He caught my hand before I could really do any real damage.

"It's kind of hard to explain," Dylan said in a softer tone than before, which made me even madder at him.

"How hard is it? Just tell me what you did to hurt Bailey." I said hoping that he would actually tell me how he managed to hurt Bailey. I mean he was in love with her. At times even I was jealous of him swooping in and taking Bailey before I got the chance to. That's why I came up with the rules in the first place. I know that's kind of selfish, but I was five and I didn't want to lose her yet.

"It's a long story." He said looking down at the ground like he was too embarrassed to even look up at me.

"Can you just tell me?" I said getting so nervous and mad that I just wanted to break down. I mean she's my best friend and I care about her so much. I don't want anything bad to happen to her and with that face, Dylan is making right now isn't making the situation any better.

"It all started when I was in history class, Mrs. Smith was teaching us about WWI and out of nowhere a piece of paper was on my desk. I opened it and saw that it was from Scarlet who was about two seats across from me. It said to meet her after class behind the school, so I did, not knowing what I had signed up for. Before I tell you anything or the reasons why I did what I did, I'm going to own up to the fact that I cheated on Bailey." He said.

Before he could get another word out, I punched him right across the face where I had planned to aim the first time. I can't believe he did that to Bailey. At this point, I was filled with rage. All I wanted to do was hit him as many times as possible, but before I could do anything else he dropped to the ground and started to cry.

"I didn't mean for it to happen." He said with his face in his hands. I felt bad for him, but my anger was overpowering every emotion I had at that moment. How could he be so reckless and stupid?

"Why did you do it if you didn't want to hurt Bailey?" I said confused.

"When I met up with her, she said that if I didn't sleep with her, then she would tell you that Bailey and I were dating. At that time we were keeping it a secret until Bailey was ready to tell you everything. Little did I know that if I said no, she would post a picture of us kissing. It was taken years ago, but that was when we were sort of together. I went through with it because I didn't want to upset Bailey. If I knew that you were cool about it, I wouldn't have gone through with it. Look I was scared that if I didn't, I would have lost my brother as well." He said.

I was overwhelmed with all of this information. I mean how did he not tell me that all of this was happening to him. I know that we don't get along all the time, but I wish he would come to either me or Bailey at least. What are we going to do?

"You're not going to lose either of us, but if you want to keep it that way, tell me what's going on before you do something stupid. Ok?" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"From now on I will talk to you and Bailey. Wait, so your not mad at what I did to Bailey? I mean I thought you would throw some more punches at me or something." He said with a concerned look on his face.

"I mean I am very disappointed and mad at you right now, but it was a mistake that will never happen again, right?" I said giving him a look that made him laugh so hard.

"Right! I won't do that again. We should tell Bailey before she hears it from someone else." He said.

I grabbed my phone and called her to figure out where she was. I hope it wasn't anywhere far because she wasn't picking up. My heart started to pick up and my hands started to sweat. She always picks up the phone when I call. Something isn't right. He was confused because Bailey always has her phone on her and always answered when either one of us called.

A couple of hours went by and finally, my phone started to ring. I rushed off the bed and picked up the phone. It wasn't a number that I recognized, so I ignored it. A couple of minutes went by then it rang again, the same number, so I answered it. Bailey's voice was on the other end. She sounded nervous and when she spoke it was strained.

"Bailey! We have been trying to get ahold of you for hours, where are you? Please tell me your ok." I said trying not to tear up for worry so much.

"I'm in jail, can you bail me out? She said.

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