The Player's Girlfriend

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Bailey's POV

As I look at his text message, I am speechless. I have never even had a boyfriend before letting alone experience with flirting! I didn't text him back for about 5 minutes because, at that time, all I was doing was thinking about what to say and how he even got my number?

"I will think about it if you tell me how we are going to pull this off without Henry knowing," I said trying not to sound rude but, what I was going for was hard to get.

"I understand if you don't want to, I mean if someone did that to me I would kindly decline. About Henry, we could date in secret until you feel it's the right time to tell Henry? Deal?" said Dylan trying to win my heart and was successful.

"Deal," I said not fully thinking. To be honest I wasn't thinking. I mean if I wasn't in shock right now I would think this was a crazy idea and declined. What was I thinking!

As I turn my phone off, all I could think about was when I was in 5th grade and had a crush on Dylan. I got over it because it would never work out but, maybe I should have never given up on him. This was my chance to be the player's girlfriend. I'm freaking myself out but, I'm so excited!!!

"Meet me after school tomorrow at 3:30 to go over the details," Dylan said

"Ok sounds good!" I said trying not to be or sound to ecstatic but, that's all I felt as I drifted off to sleep. 

When I woke up to my alarm it was already 7:25 so, I had less time to get ready. I changed into a light gray lettuce cut shirt with jeans. I decided to do my hair because I guess this is a special occasion so, I flat ironed it. I mean I'm freaking Dylan's secret girlfriend!!!!!

I get ready to put my makeup on when Henry comes into my room all disheveled looking. He probably has a hangover from last night and tired since he stayed till one in the morning at that party.

"Hey," Henry said stumbling into my room and then just flops on my bed.

I laid next to him close enough that we are breathing the same air. I mean normally this wouldn't feel so weird but, it does. Our eyes meet and neither of us looks away. It feels awkward between us. The thing is that he is still acting kinda weird around me like there is still something that he hasn't told me yet but, I don't know what.

Ever since that night at the party we weren't supposed to lie to each other anymore but, we are, well at least I am. All I want to do is tell Henry what's happening with me and why I was so happy but, I knew if I told him there would be another fight that I don't want to have.

"So how are you feeling?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Could be better, to be honest," Henry said with his hand on his head.

"Well, you should get ready for school," I said. I get up off the bed and start to finish up my makeup as I hear Henry sit up straight in my bed.

"Can I just stay here?" he asked me knowing what I'd say but just testing the waters.

"Come on get ready," I said feeling like his mom.

"Ok ok, I'm leaving," Henry said. I roll my eyes playfully at him and laugh a little as he stumbles back into his room almost tripping over himself.  

"You look good Bailey," Henry says sincerely which makes me stop laughing and smile. He turns before I could respond. I mean what would I have said. I felt like that was more than a compliment.

I walk downstairs and realized that no one was there to greet me with a smile. It must be their early shifts today. My smile fades a bit as I walk out the door. I'm not shocked that Henry wasn't ready yet so, I waited for him by the tree. I waited there for about 5 minutes before Henry comes stumbling out of his house like a zombie. I smile holding my hand to my mouth so, I don't laugh at him. 

As we walk towards the school my smile disappears when I see Leah walking towards me with a glare on her face. She looks so intimidating that I start to feel uneasy. She got so close to me that our noses were practically touching.

"If you ever talk to Henry ever again, I swear that there will be hell to pay!" Leah said.

We stood there for what felt like hours when in reality it was like two minutes. It felt like we were fighting each other for dominance when neither of us would actually win. She steps back grabbing Henry and walks towards the school. My blood was boiling at this point. Who does she think she is telling me who I can talk to. She thinks she can just waltz in a take my best friend away from me then she's got another one coming.

I don't know why my emotions turn to sadness quickly, but I can't help it.
I keep my head down most of the day like she was watching me, monitoring me, and who I talk to. A tear rolls down my cheek during class and the final bell rings.

I walk outside to meet Dylan but, he is a no show. I sit for a couple of minutes and there he was walking towards me with a smirk implanted on his face. He sat on the bench next to me settling in.

"How you doing?" he said.

That's a classic friend quote that only a true fan would know. Right as I was going to just say hi, the episode where Ross and Rachel get married pops in my head. Then I know exactly what to say back.

"I'm doing good baby how you doing?"I said trying to startle him but if it were Henry, he would have laughed.

"Touché," he said.

"So, what's your big master plan," I said.

"I was thinking we could meet each other here after school every day and hang out," said Dylan probably hoping that I come up with a better idea than his.

"What if we wing it and see where it takes us?" I said.

"I like it," Dylan said.

"What do you want to do?" He said.

"Do u want to maybe grab something to eat?" I asked.

"Why not," Dylan said.

As we walk towards his car which is a long walk from here, he slowly wraps his arm around my waist probably hoping that I don't pull away. I lean in close to him and walk. I didn't even need words to express how I'm feeling right now. I feel like I can be who I am around him and that I can let my guard down whenever he's around. I finally felt happy once this week and I hope nothing changes even though I have spent only one afternoon with him.

Henry's POV

When I woke up this morning and my head was throbbing. I tried to get up, but all I could do was stumble and trip over things. I don't know how I managed to get into Bailey's room but, I did. I was exhausted from the 3-foot journey that I just flopped on her bed while she was doing her makeup.

She was so pretty but, I knew that if I let my feelings for her get the best of me our friendship will eventually be ruined. I was surprised that she laid next to me with all that happened last night. She was so close to me that I could barely breathe. I think once I forgot to, how stupid was I? Our eyes meet and neither of us wavered. I felt a connection between us, but I don't know if she felt it as well. All I want to do is tell her but when is the right time?

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