The Start of Something New

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Bailey's POV

"What!! No, that can't be true!" I said

I had no idea a rumor like that would spread, especially when I'm best friends with his brother. A phase of total confusion passed me when Henry said that to me. Of course, that's not true, I mean if and only if he did like me, which is a rare thing. He would never act on it, I think.

"I mean its a rumor and most of the time rumors aren't true," I said reassuring him that it most likely isn't true.

"Ok, so your not mad at me for hiding that?" Henry said with a sad look.

"No, I'm not mad but, I am upset that you were leaving me out and somehow replaced me with Leah," I said. It felt good getting that issue out in the open.

"Oh. I thought you were just mad about the secret, not my relationship!" He said

"Look I meant that you always have time for Leah and in the process, you're cutting me out," I said starting to cry. I didn't expect to cry but, I ended up doing it. At first, it was a tear but, it eventually ended in full-on weeping. I felt venerable, alone, and tired of all this drama that keeps reappearing. He rapped me in his arms for a hug which made the tears flow more.

"Sorry, I was being a Jerk. Can you ever forgive me and can we can start over?" Henry said in a low calming voice that made me feel safe. That's why I have grown to love hugs because Henry gave the best.

"You are forgiven," I said trying to wipe the tears with the jacket I brought cause I had a gut feeling that it would be cold tonight, it was.

"Are you up for going back to all the drama?" said Henry

"I'll meet you there, I just have to go to the bathroom," I said

As I walk up the stairs to the bathroom, I see someone's bedroom. Me being as curious as ever walks in. I look through the window and see Henry with everyone in the hot tub getting along just fine without me, not surprised. I mean I forgave Henry but, I still feel like a third wheel all the time. Before I turned to walk out of the room, I hear someone behind me trying to walk quietly but, there not the best at it, whoever it is. I finally get the courage to turn around and there he is. The player of all players, Dylan staring at me!

"How long have you been here? I mean starring at me." I said with a hint a fear in my voice still startled from him entering.

"Not long and I just needed to get my phone," said Dylan laughing under his breath.

"Oh, why was it in here?" I said not trying to make a fool of myself from asking all these questions but, I can't help it.

"I was up here hanging out with Liam, it's his room your in by the way," Dylan said making me feel like more of a fool than ever.

"I got to go back to my friends so, bye," I said trying to get out of this situation as fast as possible.

"Hey, just to let you know, about the rumor going around, which I heard Henry talking about, It's true. Make me a promise to keep this a secret between you and me. Ok?" Dylan said

"Ok," I said trying not to blush or sound startled but, deep down I was shocked that he fell for me!!! I mean I'm flattered but, I know that he will never act on these emotions, and if he does we would have to keep it a secret because of Henry.

"See you around Bailey." was the last thing Dylan said before he left the room.

When he left, redness slowly formed on my cheeks and I ran to the bathroom as quickly as possible. I knew he was flirting with me but why me, he has every girl in the school at his feet, and yet he chooses me of all people. I stay in the bathroom processing all of this information that was "literally" thrown at me so, I don't go back out there a mess. Eventually, I came out of the bathroom trying to keep my cool about what happened so, nobody suspects anything.

As I walk outside, I see everybody laughing and having a great time. I walk up to them with a smile on my face and glance at Leah who isn't so happy about my presence. She was giving me a death stare which I'm not too fond of. Maybe I should call it a night? I mean I think I'm too tired to stay up dealing with all this drama. It's about to be 12:00 soon so I'm probably going to ask Jacob for a ride home.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna call it a night," I said to everyone but, my eyes drift to Henry who is giving me a smile. I smile back reassuring him that I'm ok.

"Jacob, can you give me a ride home?" I asked him hoping he wouldn't say no, I mean its already passed my curfew.

"Ya sure, I got to go anyway. Bye guys, see ya Monday," says Jacob as we walk towards the car to leave.

While we walk towards his car, my eyes drift off to Dylan who's eyes are on me. We exchange smiles before I start blushing. We turn the corner and his face is out of my view but, I can still see a clear image of him in my head with that classic smirk on his face. I'm so tired of making a fool of myself and usually, I can control these kinds of things but, I can't control this.

Once I got in the car, to avoid silence, Jacob turns on the radio to 104.7 and I look out the window most of the time. I arrived at my house at 12:15 and my parents were most likely asleep by now, they are definitely morning people.

"Thanks for everything tonight." I said still feeling a bit shaken about the whole Dylan thing that I will definitely not tell Henry about. I relax as Jacob pulls me in for a hug. Normally it would be uncomfortable to hug someone in the car but, it felt nice because for once I felt cared for. I open the car door and exit the vehicle with a smile implanted on my face, his too.

"Goodnight Bailey," said Jacob

"Goodnight Jacob," I said before entering my house.

I carefully go upstairs and enter my room, I'm so glad that I am an only child so, that I wouldn't have someone ratting me out every time I come home past curfew. I quickly changed into comfy shorts and a light purple cropped shirt. I take all my makeup off and brush my teeth. Once I finally get to bed, my phone goes off. I open my phone to messages to see that Dylan has texted me.

"Hey, I know this is out of the blue but, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

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