Chapter One- Rae's P.O.V

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Oh my god. Harry Styles just smiled at me. I'm sure he did. He walked down the stairs, and looked over, and smiled. He looked at me. And smiled.

No. He was probably smiling at dad. He's good mates with dad.

"Rae, isn't it?" I heard a voice say.

"Huh? What?"I jumped, being dragged from my thoughts.

"Rae! Liam was talking to you!" Dad laughed at my vacant expression.

"Oh, right" I said, and turned to face Liam. "Yeah?"

"Hi Rae" he smiled. "Nice to see you joined us"

I giggled a little bit.

"So, do you want to come on air with us? When we speak to Grimmy?"

"Oh, no thanks, I'll just wait outside"

Dad dropped us off at a big, old building in the center of London. "You kids have fun, I'm going to get some coffee from the caf down the road" he said as he drove off.

There were more railings and loads of fans, more than at the hotel. The automatic doors at the entrance were spotless, they sparkled everytime the sun hit them as they repeatedly opened and closed when the fans waved their arms infront.

And then they saw me, and screamed and cried and told me to die and all the horrible hate that Danielle got on Twitter became a reality to me. I ran inside, tears streaming down my face and my make up running. I saw a toilet and ran inside, went into a cubicle and locked the door. I rummaged through my bag and found the cure to all my problems.

I put it against my wrist and dragged it across.

"Rae?" I heard a voice shout from outside. I made one last cut before I put the blade back into my bag and rolled my sleeve down.

"Harry, what are you doing in here? This is the girls"

"It's unisex, Rae. Now come on, stop crying and smile for me"

I sniffed and wiped a mixture of tears and make up from my face, and attempted to smile, even though my sleeve was rubbing against the fresh cuts as it gradually revealed them.

"Rae, what are those marks on your arm?" he asked as I hurried to pull my sleeve back down.

"Nothing, it's fine" I said picking up my bag and storming out, but stopping as Harry grabbed my arm. "Ow! Harry, let go!" I winced.

"Rae. I only met you today, but your Paul's daughter, so I care about you" he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Show me your arms. I promise I won't tell anyone"

I reluctantly let him roll my sleeves up, and a tear fell from his twinkling green eyes onto one of the cuts.

"Why do you do it?"

"I'm fat. I'm ugly. I'm unpopular. Not even my parents like me" I sobbed, and Harry looked at me inquisitively. "I'm adopted, Paul isn't my real dad"

"Oh Rae, come here" he sighed, pulling me into a hug as I burried my face in his chest.

We walked into the Live Lounge studio, where the boys were waiting for Harry so they could go and talk to Grimmy next door.

"Come in with us" Harry said, as Nick opened the door.

"No, I don't need to, I've got no reason" I protested.

"Rae, I'm not leaving you on your own" he whispered, taking my hand and walking in with me following.

"Hi guys!" Grimmy said, and then turned to face me. "And girl"

Everyone laughed, and I faked so that I didn't look weird.

"So, who's this lovely lady?" Grimmy asked, looking at me.

"This is Rae, Paul's daughter" Liam answered. Thank God I didn't have to speak.

"Anything going on between you and Harold, then? I noticed he was holding your hand" Nick asked me.

"No, we're just friends" I said. It came out a bit more bluntly than I intended and I earned myself a funny look from all of the boys, except Harry, and Nick.

"She was upset, ad I didn't want to leave her on her own" Harry explained.

"Fair enough!" Grimmy chirped. "Anyway, let's talk about the new album"

"Yeah, um, it's called Take Me Home" Niall said. "It's got five songs by Ed Sheeran, two by me, and Zayn raps on one track"

"I didn't know you could rap Zayn" Grimmy said, surprised. "Can you show us?"

"Yeah, alright" Zayn said.

"Well then, after this track, we'll have Zayn rapping" Nick said, pressing play and turning to Zayn to sort out what song he was going to do.

Harry stood up and took my hand. "Come on, let's get a drink or something to eat or something"

"I'm not hungry" I said.

"That's just you thinking you'll get fat, that is" Harry said as we walked out.

We walked around the building until we found a vending machine, and ended up missing the second half of the interview. We got back halfway through and sat down on the sofa in the Live Lounge.

Harry sat with his arm around my shoulder as I sobbed quietly. "Rae, promise me you'll stop."

"I'll try" I hiccupped.

"No, you will. I'll help you. And to take your mind off of today, I'm taking you out for dinner"

"Harry, no. I don't need to" I said.

"But I want to take you out, to cheer you up. I'll take you shopping as well, so you'll have something new to wear"

"Harry, no."

"Rae, yes." he imitated me, making me giggle. "See, you're happier already!"

The boys and I sat in the Live Lounge for a couple of hours after the interview had finished, before Fearne called me into her studio as the boys equipment got set up and they did the sound check.

Zayn started singing, as Niall sat and played his guitar gently. Harry looked over at me as he sang.

"I know you never loved, the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh, and you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but your perfect to me"

He smiled as he finished and I wiped a tear from my eye with my sleeve.

"What's going on between you two then?" Fearne asked as she nudged me. "You're very lucky, some girls would kill for that look"

"What? There's nothing going on between us, we're just friends. I was upset earlier and he looked after me"

"Whatever you say, Rae. Whatever you say" she laughed as Harry came running in and hugged me.


Hey guys! it's Ellen here, I'm very sorry that this is really quite bad and stuff and moves quite fast, it's just when I'm writing I tend to be one of those people who tries to get straight to the point and forget details, but yeah, I tried and therefore no one should criticize me. (Sorry, Potterhead)

Ciao -x-

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