Amethyst1: Well hey there pipsqueak.

Y/n: Uh....

Amethyst1: You're..kinda short a Amethyst huh?

You stayed silent.

Amethyst1: What's the matter, am I scaring you?

He smiled widely.

Y/n: Ok, huh, I'm faltered but I don't swing that way so if you'll excuse me I have some gems to capture.

He tightened his grip.

Amethyst1: I'm not flirting, I just don't like your kind.

Y/n: My kind? We're same type of gem pal. Geez, I know we're suppose to be dumber but sheesh.

Suddenly, he grabbed you by the collar and pulled you up to eye level.

Amethyst1: No, your defective, a waste. Yet you think you have a chance to be useful? If you think I'm gonna get shown up by you, you've got another thing coming.

???: Knock it off man.

A male Amethyst came up to him.

Amethyst2: Shouldn't you be doing task anyway?

Amethyst1: Heh....yeah, I am.

He tossed you to the ground.

Amethyst1: See you around pipsqueak.

He walked away chuckling.

Y/n: ......Asshole.

Amethyst2: You alright pal?

He offered his hand and helped you up.

Y/n: Yeah, just glad he didn't hit.

Amethyst2: Don't worry about him, male Amethyst just tend to be more aggressive, looking for the smallest of reasons to fight.

Y/n: Oh really? I couldn't tell. Thanks for the help, but I need to start doing these tasks or I'm gonna get shattered.

Amethyst2: Oh I remember that. You want some help? It's not against the rules.

Y/n: As cliche as this may sound, I want to do this on my own to prove myself. Thanks for the offer though.

You waved and began to leave but them he put a hand on your shoulder.

Amethyst2: Hey, if you're ever in a jam, you can count on me to help. Just yell.

Y/n: Thanks man, I'll keep that in mind.

He smiled, gave you head pats, and walked off. You rubbed the top of your head.

Y/n: Heh, nice guy. Ok, let's find these gems.

You started walking and thinking about where these gems may be hiding. Your thoughts were interrupted when someome bumped into you, they didn't even acknowledge you.

Y/n: Uh...rude-hey!

Another gem bumped into you, and another and another. This obviously annoyed you.

Y/n: Can you at least say excuse me?!

Not letting this get to you, you just let it slide and started searching. You saw a Ruby do a double take before breaking off from her squad. That's a little suspicious, so, you followed her.

~~~Yellow Diamond's Room

Jasper: You wanted to see me?

Yellow Diamond: Yes, did the new batch of male Amethyst emerge yet?

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

On The Run (Male Amethyst Reader x Amethyst)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें