Chapter 3

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*Later that afternoon.

"I clearly won." Freya asserted with a palm on her chest as they made their way to the Mikaelson manision.

"It's all about perspective Freya. As I've said before." Niklaus smirked. "You might have taken more shots than I, but I took the heavier ones." He winked as they entered the compound.

"Where were you two?" Rebekah questioned with a hint of jealously. She was beginning to hate having Freya around. Freya was taking away what rightfully belonged to her.

"Out and about dear Rebekah. Out and about. Ask my partner in crime for details." Niklaus verbalized as he chuckled, vamping to a couch near by, and laying on it.

"We went clubbing! I love clubbing! Who knew?" Freya beamed as she threw her head back and laughed, taking an armchair opposite to Niklaus.

"Apparently the whole French Quarter now." Niklaus stated.

"What the bloody heck....are you two drunk?" Rebekah questioned as she walked over to Niklaus. "You really are pathetic and now you've brought our lost long sister along in your quests of self-destruction." She sneered.

"Now now Rebekah. I know you are seething with jealously, but would you be quiet for just a moment?" Niklaus groaned as he palmed his forehead.

"Jealousy? The only reason I'm seething is because you have a responsibility and you are out here dragging Freya with you." Rebekah barked.

"And why can't he? From what I know, he's been doing this since forever. Or do you have a problem with the fact that he's taking me?" Freya bit back. "I'm just here to have fun and get to know my family. Niklaus might not have greeted me well at first, but he's definitely made up for it since then. I would appreciate if some of my other siblings extended the same courtesy." She asserted, a bit hurt by Rebekah, as she held her head. Those shots were really catching up to her.

"Besides, I do not have any responsibilities to attend to. I handed it over to Marcel. However, if I did, everyone is already well aware of my laid back persona. You are arguing over nothing Rebekah." Niklaus remarked as he stood up. "I will leave this conversation to you both. I am in desperate need of a bath." He concluded as he vamped up the stairs and into one of the halls.

"What are you waiting for Freya? Aren't you going to take a nice hot bath with our dear brother too while you're at it?" Rebekah mocked.

"Rebekah, listen. I don't know what's going on here between us, but please just end this. I always wanted a sister. I just want to bond with you and the rest of our remaining siblings. Please don't see this as some kind of competition for Niklaus's affection. He's our brother after all. So you have your bond with him and I have mine. That's all it is. Don't make this bigger than what it is." Freya sighed as she rubbed her forehead.

"I know. I apologize. I can't help it. Sometimes I feel a certain way when someone else comes along and bonds with Nik. But you're right. He's your brother too. And I've always wanted a sister as well being the only girl in the family. I want to form a bond with you as well. You're right sister. This is a bit silly." Rebekah confessed, embarrassed by her behavior. I'm sure it is nothing. I don't know why I felt as if there was something treacherous going on between them. I'm simply being paranoid at the thought of Freya taking away the bond I have with Nik. But she's right. I have my own bond with him and so should she. Rebekah admitted.

"I can understand. You've always been his favorite and now a new sister is swooping in and you think I'm taking him away from you. But I'm not. I'm only forming my own bond with Niklaus. That's all. I'd never take away your bond with him. And truthfully sister, I never will. Because that's between you two." Freya stated as she caressed Rebekah's hand. "Anyway, I'm glad we put this behind us and had an honest conversation. Communication is important. If you ever want to get something off your chest, I'm here little sister." She proposed with a wink as she began to walk away. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need lots of water and a shower!" Freya joked as she ascended up the stairs.

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