Chapter 2

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After breakfast, Freya managed to convince Niklaus to walk outside and venture out considering she hadn't truly explored the area.

"Now what the hell was that?" Freya questioned as she laughed and smacked her younger brother's head.

"What are you on about?" Niklaus questioned back returning her laugh and walking along side her. He had to keep in mind not to speed up due to Freya being a witch.

"Rebekah! Why does she keep acting weird?" Freya yelled as she continued, "I thought we'd be sharing a sisterly bond being the only two girls in the family, but every time you and I are together...she gets tense." She laughed gesturing two horns on top of her head just to be dramatic. "Did she know something?" Freya quirked her brow.

"Ah...that. I'm not sure. She's been that way for as long as I've known her which is forever. She was that way towards Tatia as well. No...rephrase that. She was MUCH worse with Tatia. You should be glad or else we would have been caught right from the start. Which means she does want a bond with you. Just not when you and I are together." Niklaus explained with a wink. He willfully left important details out.

"Hm. Okay. I kinda get it. She's always been your favorite and now she feels that might change. It's understandable." Freya nodded. "But I know you're full of crap. So spill. Give me the details." She grinned like a teen waiting to listen to some juicy insider.

"Alright. I confess. I did leave a few key details out." Niklaus nodded as he glanced at her, showing off his pearly teeth.

"Well. Go ahead. We have time. I won't judge. But you know that already little brother." Freya stated, throwing the last part in just to annoy him.

"Freya, if you continue to alliterate that sentence, you will regret it." Niklaus warned, preparing to smack his older sister.

"Go. Make me regret it. But either way, you'll have to get used to it." Freya winked. She then gasped when she felt him smack her ass to which she gladly returned. "NO PDA!"

"That's not how it works around here big sister. I smack you and you comply." Niklaus stated as he pinched her one of her nipples through her shirt. He grinned as he heard her wince and yell a profanity.

"I comply? What is this? The 18th century? You wish! I'm the older one here." Freya barked back as she pinched him back in the same area which earned her a gasp from him. "Now are you going to tell me or do we need to get a room?" She joked.

"Oh dear Freya, you are only older because you were born first. I'm in charge around here." Niklaus winked as he continued, "hm...I like the second option. I'll go with that one." He replied much to her annoyance.

"Ha! Not a chance. Let's see you prove it. I have a few skills under my belt too." Freya dared as she continued, "fine, but only if you tell me what I want to know first. Then we can hit a club. I need a change in scenery. Too much grass and birds." She stated as she looked around.

"Sounds fair to me. However, I'm not sure how fair it is for you. It cannot be helped. You will lose." Niklaus confidently remarked. "That's all hm? There isn't much to it. Let's just say I might have shared a few kisses with Rebekah at an age where I'm sure a lot of siblings have done the same. But due to mother's protect nature regarding me and Mikael's protective nature regarding Rebekah, we couldn't share these feelings with anyone else so we shared them with each other. However, when Tatia arrived, mother put down her protectiveness." Niklaus explained.

"And what about Rebekah?" Freya questioned.

"Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Rebekah until much later when we became vampires. In hindsight, I can now see how that caused tensions between the two of us regarding our bond." Niklaus clarified.

"Tensions as in like sexual or romantic?" Freya egged on.

"Both." Niklaus responded as he rubbed his temples.

"Ouch. Now I get it. Whew. Great going Niklaus." Freya joked as she smacked his shoulder. "You really know how to turn a sister into an obsessed girlfriend. Just pump and dump right?." She mocked giggling until Niklaus snaked a hand in her jeans, popping the button, and fingered her pussy while rubbing her clit with his thumb.

"What was that again dear sister? Pump and dump? Is that what you want me to do?" Niklaus taunted as he whispered in her ear. He thoroughly enjoyed the stifled gasps and moans she was holding back as he pressed his chest against hers, feeling her erect nipples.

"Nik...wh-what the hell. NO PDA!" Freya whined as she licked her lips and glanced up at her skilled brother through her lashes.

"That is what you get for provoking me." Niklaus stated as he placed a hand against her lower back and pulled her closer.

"Fine. I-I'm sorry. But n-not here! Someone will definitely catch on." Freya complained as she bit into his neck, unexpectedly earning a moan from him.

"Alright. You have a point." Niklaus groaned as he felt the restraints of his jeans. He stepped back enough to allow her space to maneuver.

"I hope you don't think I'm going to entertain this..." Freya trailed off, snaking her hand in his jeans and licking her lips with a grin. "After what you just pulled." She pulled away much to his disapproval.

"I don't think. I know it." Niklaus stated in a matter of a fact way.

"Wow...incredibly. You really have a huge ego." Freya scoffed.

"You are mistaken my dear sister. It has nothing to do with that. We both know what is waiting to be released underneath our belts." Niklaus responded as he approached her again, whispering in her ear.

"Maybe. But I can always find someone else to do the deed." Freya provoked as she looked up at him with a playful smile.

"There is no one better and you know this. After all, hybrid sex is the best." Niklaus replied back with smugness.

"Oh I don't doubt that. But I'm sure I can find another hybrid somewhere." Freya bit back with a wink.

"You do not need to when you already have one." Niklaus claimed, interested to see where this was going.

"So you are mine?" Freya probed quirking her brow in a sensual fashion.

"Perhaps." Niklaus suggested, swallowing a bit of his pride as he rolled his eyes.

"Then I guess I don't need to find another hybrid. I have you after all." Freya voiced with a wink as she pulled on his shirt and gave him a kiss, forgetting about PDA.

"Did you forget something?" Niklaus playfully questioned with a smile.

"What?" Freya quirked her brow.

"No PDA right dear sister?" Niklaus provoked as he swooped her back in and returned her kiss.

"Oh shut up. See how annoying you are." Freya scoffed hiding a blush as she smiled back. She decided to swallow some of her own pride and take his hand in hers, as they continued to joked around and look for a club.

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