Chapter 5 - Wiping out the past

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Sara's (P.O.V)

Somehow this time round, when the world spun around me, panic gripping every fibre of my being and bile rising in my throat, it wasn't at the sight of my oppressor. The man who would cause me a seemingly infinite amount of suffering in this life and into the next. It was looking into the eyes of my younger self, spectating on my own pain as if this were some cruel joke. My shirt was in tatters, stained with dirt and blood, by now it was more blood than shirt. Fresh lacerations on my back oozed slowly, bone visible due to the malnutrition. Mottled blue ribs protruded worryingly far, groaning with the effort of continued breathing. The league wasn't too big on mirrors so I never saw the angry red scars until the majority of them were little more than faded white lines coating what had always felt like the entirety of my body. They spread across my deathly pale skin like a disease, permanent reminders of this night and so many before it.

But worst of all was the look in my eyes, the one I knew was staring right back at myself right now. Panic, terror, and a readiness to take my own life knowing that it would be far easier than enduring this pain for one more minute. The second that door hit the ground and I caught my own eye I was stuck there, a naïve young girl who'd had the world's suffering thrust upon her shoulders.

It was only Amaya's gentle hand that shook me from my stupor, I squeezed it back, acknowledging her efforts and turned slightly to Ava who was doing her best to mask her own emotions but a solitary tear fought hard against her stoicism, rolling its way down her cheek and leaving the tracks of her own suffering imprinted on her skin.

Nyssa was on the floor, shuffling away, casting glances between us and her opponent. "Help Nyssa and past me, he's mine." I spoke lowly, serious enough to leave no questions as Amaya headed in the direction of my ex while my love headed over to a terrified young girl to protect her. Meanwhile I stalked around the man as he spoke in Arabic, jesting that I couldn't possibly know his power, that he bet I didn't even know his tongue.

I showed him just how well I could speak his language and gave him a piece of my mind, hearing Nyssa let out a noise of amusement behind me. "This one is most definitely feisty." I shot a smirk back at her before easily blocking the attack of my opponent. The fight remained fairly tame, he landed no hits on me and was growing increasingly frustrated at his lack of success. Perhaps that was what led him to reveal a futuristic style hilt. Groaning internally I realised this was a whip of some description, sure enough it crackled to life, lighting up the room around us in an eerie white glow and sparking on the ground. Honestly I'm not surprised, he always did enjoy the whip.

Dodging these attacks were more difficult but I just about managed to keep out of the line of fire, my staff was across the room, pulled from my grasp by a length of pure energy. He was too preoccupied attacking to notice Nyssa stand behind him, sword in hand. One final crack and he just caught my arm, both opening the wound and cauterising it at the same time. My ex wasted no time in plunging a sword through his heart and watching him drop to the floor, hopefully suffering in hell for all he has done.

"Who are you people? Identify yourselves." Nyssa was in no mood for games as it would seem and we couldn't afford to beat around the bush. Not with her, she would sense our lies immediately.

"You can trust us. We won't let anyone know about the league but you must take this woman with you."

"How do I know I can trust you? I should kill you where you stand."

"Your name is Nyssa Al Ghul, Heir to the Demon and one day this woman will become your beloved, but only if you take her with you now."

"How do you know my name?"

"You'll find out someday, you can trust me, after all your father did."

Nyssa nodded deftly, moving towards my younger self and cradling her in her arms, as she picked me up and took me out of the room I let out a sigh. "You're amazing you know that?" Ava exclaimed after a moment of silence as we made our way back to the ship. "Its finally over."

"It is my love."

Later that evening on the ship I headed to bed early, wanting to rest after such a long and stressful day. Not before thanking my team for all their support. Laying on my bed in just a tank top and trackies I struggled to relax, too many thoughts swirled in my mind. I couldn't help the insecurity bubbling up at the knowledge that Ava had seen me at my absolute lowest point. She assuaged my fears when she climbed into bed next to me, curling into my side and smiling contentedly. "I love you Sara Lance, every single part of you."

"I love you too Ava Sharpe, no matter where you came from." My voice cracked at the end and Ava turned us I bed so that I was the one being cradled by her. I let the tears flow freely with my head on her chest and a fist gripping her shirt. She ran a comforting hand through my hair and one rubbed circles on the small of my back as I accepted her love with an open heart and mind.

Things really are looking better.


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