Chapter 3 - Retrieving the tech

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Sara's (P.O.V)

With practiced skill and ease the three of us managed to sneak into the main building closest to the largest of the torture chambers and reserved for more heavy duty machinery. Things like the rack and other similar devices. My heart rate quickened but my face did not betray my body though Ava still eyed me with worry. The goal for the first room was to disable any technology too large to remove so that Ray could use his ATOM suit to shrink it later. That way it would be much easier to destroy. We set to work clearing the room, I focussed as hard as humanly possible on the task at hand knowing exactly what the original machines in the room felt like and what they could do to the body. From the corner of my eye I could see dried blood, not as old as some but fresh from the morning. I swallowed back bile as I quickly realised that the blood was my own.

I couldn't help but continue to glance at the blood as we moved around the room efficiently, Ava was beginning to notice and Amaya definitely had but neither said anything. I was grateful for this as we moved to the next room. More and more images of my past flashed before my eyes as we tackled the job making it increasingly more difficult to focus, not to mention breathe. Ava had stepped into a side chamber while Amaya and I were still in the main chamber. Currently we were in the leather room and that meant a lot of whips. More specifically a cat o nine tails lay discarded on the floor dripping with extremely fresh blood, no more than an hour old, compared to the precise placement of all the other weapons it was careless and I knew exactly why. This time I couldn't push down the fear and panic and Amaya was by my side in an instant, I braced myself against the wall trying to control my breathing and failing miserably. My eyes darted to the bloody whip on the floor which, of course, Amaya realised and so moved the offensive item out of my view. She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder speaking quietly to me just as she had so many times before. "Sara we can find our way around, you can go back to the Waverider." 

"I I'm fine let's just, just get this over with." Her brow furrowed but I didn't look her in the eyes.  "The blood on that whip was yours wasn't it?" I nodded solemnly. "Sara that can't be more than an hour old, you said these rooms aren't used after dark." I swallowed my pride and owned up to my friend. "They aren't supposed to be, but sometimes the elite members choose their favourite prisoners to have some more private fun with. Most of the prisoners here are men and its rare that they get their hands on a woman so young and innocent. So when there is somebody they like to spend more time with them. Currently my younger self is the only female prisoner so the extra hours were a nightly occurrence. This night, the one where Nyssa came, I almost died. The man who has me took it way too far with the whip after the injuries I sustained earlier in the day and did nothing to help the wounds in the chamber of intimacy. Which is where young me currently is." I finished with a deep sigh and turned around. Ava was standing a few feet away with tears in her eyes, I heard her come into the room when Amaya spoke to me but couldn't bear to look her in the eyes as I told her of my past. "Does she kill him?" Ava asked suddenly, her voice low and menacing as it once was directed at the Legends.

"What?" I was confused, too confused to process her question. "Does Nyssa kill the one who almost killed you?" She was seething now. I nodded, "Slowly and painfully." She ground her teeth in thought. "So then it won't matter if I take the honour from her will it?"                               "Ava you can't interact with younger me and you can't kill him or Nyssa might not save young me." 

"I'm the director of the Time Bureau I can make sure Nyssa gets you to safety."                                 "Ava please, just let it go, I don't want you to have to see me like that, so broken. It's something that you can't unsee and I know it will break your heart. Just stay with me please." I pleaded with her, something I would only do for Ava. Reluctantly Ava relinquished and so we carried on with our task. Room by room all of the technology was removed or destroyed leaving only the armory to deal with. We were just about to leave when Gideon radioed us. "Captain Lance there is still more technology to be removed from the final chamber." I had feared this would be the case. I checked the time and sighed. "I'm still in there with him, we can't get to it now Gideon. If we leave the intimacy tech what are the repercussions?"

"It would appear that these anachronisms would not aid the brotherhood in taking out the insurgents form the league and therefore would ultimately be destroyed in the coming battle when the compound is blown up. A larger explosion than normal would occur but no further loss of life."

"Then we leave them there and head to the armory to meet the boys and finish this. Then we can get off of this God forsaken rock." I sighed in relief that I would not have to interfere with my past self knowing full well I would never expect Amaya or Ava to complete the final chamber. Entering the main building was far more simple than exiting it, by my timing the guards would change shift in two minutes time giving us a forty five second window to escape. We positioned ourselves as close to the exit as possible without being visible and waited for the guard to check his pocket watch and leave. From then we have to sprint to the tree line without being seen and avoiding any suspicion. That was the difficult bit and one of the main reasons why Mick was already waiting near the armory rather than with us. It was time.

I signalled to the other two to move and we carefully ran out of sight. Ava managed to stand on a twig just as the other guards arrived at their posts and we simultaneously hit the deck as quickly and quietly as possible. They shone their lights in our area and took a few steps forwards. None of us were breathing as the guards became close enough to discern their conversation. They were speaking in Arabic but I could understand perfectly. "Probably just some animal, I can't see any movement." I breathed a sigh of relief yet again as they walked away. We waited an appropriate amount of time before getting up an moving towards the others. It was time to end this.

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