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COUGH COUGH COUGH IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!! PLEASE READ,,,,,,,,okaysotheremightbealittlebitofsaucinessinthischapter.... not full-fledged smut but it gets a bit hot,,, so if you're not comfy with that I'll pop a warning for when it starts n ends :)


 Staggering a bit from surprise your arms reached up and you pressed your hands against Tsukishima's chest and pushed back slightly. "Wh-" you started, almost a whisper.

"I-" he said at the same time, his voice even smaller than yours. Suddenly aware of how forward he was being, he put more distance between yourselves his face donning a red hue, you wouldn't be surprised if yours was the same. His glasses had slid down his nose slightly so he pushed them up and turned away his hand going for the door handle once again.

Without thinking, you grabbed his hand that was going for the handle and yanked him back around. The second his face turned to yours your hand rested atop his cheeks. It's not like you didn't want to kiss him, it just caught you off guard and your brain couldn't compute. Heck, you've been waiting for him to make a move for a while now and nothing was going to stop you now he already had.

Pulling yourself up slightly and pulling his head down your lips quickly met his once more. Your hands slowly joined around the back of his neck as Tsukishimas arms wrapped around your hips gently pulling you into him.

There weren't any cheesy fireworks and sparks going off -you weren't 12- but the speed of your heart and the zoo in your stomach made you hyper-aware of how real and just plain right this felt. Kissing Tsukishima Kei made you unnervingly happy as if your whole world has just collapsed and regrew better and brighter than ever before. As you smiled against his lips, Tsukishima pulled back ever so slightly, his arms still resting on your hips. Pulling back too, your eyes met his and your smile widened.

"Hello." you spoke breathily, a small laugh escaping as your eyes followed his.

"We were meant to be saying goodbye." he replied a little sarkily rolling his eyes.

Rolling your eyes right back at him, you neared your lips to his once again. "Whatever." is all you said before he smirked and met his lips with yours.

(warning warning, getting a bit saucy, i repeat, warning warning)

Now, not to say you were aggressive or anything (okay maybe you were a little) but you surprised both yourself and Tsukhishima as you backed him up against the wall, his back hitting it with a soft thud. Your hands rest over his cheeks once more and your thumbs gently stroked over his cheekbones as you pulled away from the kiss taking his bottom lip between your teeth slightly and giving it a tug eliciting a slight 'hm' from him before you reconnected your lips with his.

Feeling slightly embarrassed at this, Tsukishima wasted no time in getting his own back at you. His hands travelled north until his fingers were tangled in your (h/c) hair and with a slight tense of them and a small tug down he figured he had won as you gasped slightly moving your lips off his. 

Tsukishima Kei had just pulled your hair.

Taking his chance, his tongue quickly met yours as you both continued your rather long-running kiss. Your tongues overlapped multiple times, the kiss turning sloppy and hot. Each time you pulled back for a little breath you were immediately pulled back in. You hadn't even realised his knee had propped itself between your legs until his mouth began to move off of yours, peppering your cheek and jaw before his lips finally hit your neck. Feeling him smirk against your neck you let out a content sigh and looked down at him with hooded eyes. 

His hair was slightly dishevelled, and his cheeks a nice red but the thing that got you the most were his golden eyes, the look they held in them along with how he was looking right now was just overall sexy and you couldn't help but feel weak against him which wasn't helped when he shifted slightly as his eyes left yours and his attention was back on your neck. Now, the way he shifted made his knee between your legs move in such a way where you couldn't help but let out a soft moan which just seemed to spur him on as his mouth began to roughly attack your neck.

At some point, his lips hit a spot which he'd not soon forget.

"Ah, ha, Tsu-" you began breathily, suddenly very aware of how far things were going, however, you were quickly interrupted as one of Tuskishima's hands made its way over your mouth as he began to pay attention to the spot on your neck. He sucked gently, ran his tongue over it and then became a bit more aggressive and you could all but collapse against him as your breathing shallowed and your chest heaved, and unfamiliar feeling stirring up inside you.

This seemed to snap Tsukishima out of whatever kind of haze he was in and he stood up and gently grasped your shoulders pulling you off him slightly making you stare at him.

(over and out, i repeat, over and out)

"Well then," you began staring at him.

He hadn't fully registered what just happened as he took your appearance in. Hair slightly messy, cheeks red, eyes hazy, lips swollen, chest heaving and a noticeable but not sizeable red mark on your neck. 'Oh.' was all he thought before he snapped out of his daze and realised you two had just made out. 'Oh shit.' was his next thought as he realised there was an issue going on downstairs, luckily you hadn't noticed and even luckier his embarrassment was helping him make it go away along with mundane none-erotic thoughts.

"I'm so sorry." he said, not really sure what to even say.

"Why? I liked that, did you not?" you replied sounding almost a little rejected.

"What? No, of course, I did you nitwit!" he bit back as you stepped away.

Sighing in relief, and slight annoyance that his stupid salty personality was back in gear, you smiled at him before taking his hand in yours. "Good, I'm glad because I'd like to try that again one day just maybe," you began, letting out a sheepish laugh. "maybe not in my doorway, maybe somewhere a bit more private."

Tsukishima's eyes widened slightly at how forward you were but then quickly realised he had no room to talk, he had just given you a hickey. "Yeah whatever." he replied, almost sounding bored but you managed to pick up on the giddiness behind his words.

"Right, now please leave my house. It's late and yes I know you only live a few minutes away but still, go!" you commanded as you walked towards the door and opened it for him swinging one arm out as a gesture to leave.

"Right I'm going." he replied with a bit of attitude but he couldn't hide his smile which made your heart melt. He was just too pretty.

As he stood just one step in front of you in the doorway, he leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead before walking out the door. You watched him leave, leaning against the door frame and smiled, getting lost in your own thoughts.

Just as Tsukishima exited your gate, he turned his head back to you. "Oh, by the way, you're officially my girlfriend now." he spoke with a smug grin before turning his head back and walking off.

It took you by surprise and made your heart race. It was the least romantic way to make you his girlfriend but you didn't care, it was perfect. 

Before he was out of earshot and eyeline you shouted one final thing.

"Goodnight, boyfriend!"


haha wassup homies. this is a bit short today but ive literally written it in one go tonight. i had this idea bubbling up in my head all day at work so basically flung myself at my laptop to try and get it out because i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep.

i hope this satified some of ya'll thirsty beeches after some smut. the full blown thing will come soon i just hope this works for now!!! anyway, thank u all for being so supportive i love you all so much :) coming back to this has made me so happy!!! 

i LOVE reading all your comments, even if i dont respond to them all. also if u guys wanna message me ever at all abt anything, doesnt even have to be related to this, you can. i am a bit naff at replying tho it can take me a few days sometimes but ill try 4 u if any of u do :)

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