Chapter 28: Blue Skies (Jordan's Perspective)

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After our date night, we decided to just relax at home for a few days. Wednesday consisted of watching movie, after movie. Thursday was binge-watching and getting Dan all into Sherlock. Now, Benedict Cumberbatch is his new favourite thing to say. Anytime he gets the chance, he says it. Today's schedule is going to have lunch with Peter and explore Central Park. The more I say Central Park, I want it to be Central Perk, like the coffee place in Friends. Oh and I get to see the process of them recording some songs for Ninja Sex Party, tomorrow. I think it'll be a fun way to end my trip here. I leave on Sunday and I'm absolutely dreading it. I'm not ready to leave! But I have to go back home... And work. This time around I was the last one asleep. I've been up for sometime but I was playing on my phone, checking unread messages, emails, social media things, you name it. Brian and Dan left earlier to go get stuff from the grocery store and they haven't gotten back yet so I have the whole house to myself. Might as well get ready, seeing as it's already 10 and we have to meet Peter at some cafe at 12. I just decided on a plain black shirt and dark coloured skinny jeans. I took one of Dan's plaid shirts and wore it over. It's a little big but it looks decent. I really feel like a little kid that can't touch or do anything. There's no laptop, I don't want to mess with their tv in the living room, I'm literally bored out of my mind. There's only so much you can do on a phone without losing interest after awhile. Out of boredom I decided to raid whatever is left in their fridge. I found yogurt, a cheese stick and a bag of Doritos from the cabinet. I went back to the room, and put it on Netflix. I watched Saturday Night Live, while I tried to get a hold of Leslie cause I honestly felt bad about the other night. If she's not answering me now, she won't answer me for at least a month. I was startled by the sound of bags being thrown on the floor and ran into the living room, holding my spoon as a weapon. Brian walked in and dropped the bags dramatically.

"What are you doing, man?" Dan said from outside.

"She's got a spoon and she doesn't look afraid to use it."

"SHIT!" As soon as I realized it was Brian I put it down, and walked over the bags, to the kitchen.

"I'm not a threat."

"Neither are we, since this is our house."

"Touche." I started putting groceries away, just to speed up the process. From them throwing the bags, or 'dropping' the bags, the bread was smashed. Dan went to finish up getting ready, while I stole a Pepsi.

"We're going to be late." Dan said looking for his wallet and keys.

"No we won't, we'll make it in time but if we don't, i'm sure he'll understand."

"I don't want to be late though- FOUND THEM!" After we grabbed our wallets, phones, and keys we left to go meet Peter at a restaurant called Shake Shack. It looked pretty cool. It was simple little restaurant but the seats were outside. Peter was alone at a table, waving at us. I guess I was the only one who noticed cause Dan was still looking around clueless. I pulled him along and it was the casual 'hey, how are you?' type of greetings. Dan went to order us all burgers and shakes.

"So Jordan. How's New York?" Peter asked.

"It's good. Still breathtaking."

"That's good. Was I right?"

"About the surprise?"


"Yeah, it was a little record store."

"Oh man, I love that store."

"I didn't even tell you the name of it."

"Do you even know the name of it?"

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now