Chapter Two: The Truth, Exposed

Start from the beginning

Topaz gently picked him up and hugged him before she pinned him to her side.

"I saw Topaz again," she told him as she stood. "We're still allowed to go on missions together."

"That's good," Steven whispered. "I'm sorry I almost came between you two."

Topaz said nothing more as she stepped into the hallway. Once empty, it was now lined with hundreds of Amethyst and Jasper guards, with Aquamarines buzzing overhead. Steven would have been amazed by the sight if he had the strength to be.

"Let her walk," one of the Jasper guards said. "The Diamonds want her to be unchained."

Topaz set Steven down and it took all of his willpower to remain standing. His entire body felt frail and weak; he could barely lift one leg to take a step forward. But the looks of hatred in the gems' eyes fueled him. They wanted to see him fall apart. He wouldn't give that to them, just like his mother didn't.

He straightened up as best he could and raised his head so he was looking at the hall and not the gems that lined it. He set his face and took another step. Then another.




Gems would hiss at him as he walked past them, but he did not acknowledge them, no matter how much their words stung.

"Was it worth it?"

"Look at that form? What is she thinking?"

"She's hideous."

He kept walking and gave them no reason to do more than sneer at him.

"That's Rose Quartz?"


"A poor excuse for a gem."

And so on it went, until the line of gems ended at a great yellow door. It slowly slid open and Yellow stood tall on the other side. She glared down at Steven and their audience quickly saluted her.

"You," she said, rather happily. "Ready to die?" She didn't wait for his answer, not that Steven had one to give. "We'll be broadcasting the execution to every corner of the universe," she told him with a smile. "Every gem will see how the rebellion leader, the traitor who shattered Pink, was finally brought to justice."

She bent down and looked at Steven with something new in her face. "That form? Really, Rose? At least have the decency to face your death with dignity. Or do you think that hiding your true form will be enough to convince other gems that you're not you? Show your true form!"

Steven looked down to try and hide his shame. "I can't," he managed to croak out.

Yellow sighed and straightened. "We'll see about that."

Before Steven could respond, a white bubble appeared below his feet and encased him and Yellow. He could see where they were going, but he felt them moving at speeds that made his stomach lurch and cramp further.

He glanced up at Yellow and shuddered when he noticed that she was glaring at him through the corner of her eyes.

"You ruined us," she told Steven when she noticed him looking at her. "You ruined our family."

Steven's gaze fell to his feet. That seemed to be the only thing his mother was good at doing: tearing people apart. And did the same thing to his family on Earth.

"Well? Nothing to say?" Yellow demanded as she turned to face the small boy by her feet. "White will appreciate that."

Steven couldn't find any words nor could he find the strength to say them. His only hope was the small line or narrative running through his head: maybe White Diamond would see he wasn't Rose. Maybe he could convince her that he was organic and had nothing to do with his mother's crimes.

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