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When Zim woke up, Dib was sitting next to him eating a sandwich. He sat up slowly, he felt weak.

"Oh! You're up! You've been out for a few hours." Dib points at the snacks on the floor. "I got those for you but, you know"

Zim picks them up and opens the Oreos. He starts to eat one and leans onto Dib. He was a lot calmer after his nap, he just needed to wake up more. After he woke up more he would be back to his normal self.

Dib looked down at Zim, he looked helpless. Dib felt his face heat up, he remember about what Zim told him earlier. About his heats, he looked up exactly what a heat was.

"Hey, Zim." Dib leans close to Zim. "Is there any way to stop a heat?"

"Well, there's medicine I could take, but it requires talking to my tallest to get a prescription," Zim explains.

"Well, how long will it last?" Dib asks.

"A few days to a few months." Zim sits up. "Depends on the season and weather. I've heard stories from other Invaders that if they're on a warm planet it lasts a few days, some say even hours. Irk is a colder planet, it usually lasts a month or two."

"Well how would you describe the weather here?" Dib takes a bite out of his sandwich.

"Your weather is constantly changing, who knows how long it'll last." Zim blushes.

"Maybe we could talk to your tallest, I know this isn't comfortable for you." Dib finishes his sandwich and puts the plate on the floor next to him.

"It's horrible, your gross human clothes have too much friction." Zim grips at Dib's shirt.

"Let's get you home, then you can change and call you tallest." Dib stands up. Zim shoves a few Oreos in his pocket and follows Dib into the kitchen. He puts his plate in the sink and grabs his bag which was hanging on a chair.

They start their way home, Zim was using one of Dib's hoddies to hide his appearance. On their way Zim felt a deep sensation in his stomach, he was gonna puke.

"Dib... I'm gonna get sick." Zim says. Dib quickly picks up Zim and rushes to Zim's house. They get there and open the door, Zim crawls out of Dib's hands and rushes over to the sick. Dib covered his ears as Zim emptied his stomach. Hearing someone vomit was enough to make him squeamish.

One Zim was done he sat down on the floor. Dib walked over to him and turned the water on to flush down everything.

"I'm guessing it was the Oreos," Dib says picking Zim up and placing him on the couch.

"Computer! Call the tallest." Zim demands.

"Your back? Fine." Computer replies. Dib takes a seat next to Dib awkwardly. Zim was blushing heavily. The screen flickers on and a very annoyed Irken appears, it was Red. He looked like he was in the middle of working out, he was sweaty and his usual mechanical outfit wasn't on, instead he had a tank top and shorts.

"Oh... Zim, didn't we blow your planet up?" Red asks.

"No, that moron teleported the planet away," Zim replies.

"Ugh, whatever. Why did you call us? Did you find out about your mission." Red impatiently taps his fingers.

"I need... Well, I got-" zim turns purple again. Dib clears his throat and steps on screen.

"Hello, Zim's leaders. Long story short Zim got captured and a creepy pedo put a thing in Zim that's making him have... Heats." Dib spits out. Red holds back a laugh. Purple comes onto screen.

"We have the same heat schedule? Gross..." Purple says, he was shirtless from what Dib and Zim could see.

"Wait, did we interrupt something?" Zim asks.

"N-No! Look, we'll get a prescription or whatever just don't call us for a few months." Red ends the call quickly.

A few moments later there's a knock on the door, Dib answers it and there's a package at the door. It was addressed to Zim.

Dib opens the packaging. There's a bottle of pills in the box. Zim grabs the bottle and takes a few pills. 

"Gross..." He presses his entire body into the ground. 

"Was that the prescribed amount?" Dib asks looking at the bottle.

"I don't give a shit. If I die, good." Zim lifts his head slightly to look at him. Dib shrugs and puts the bottle on the side table.

"We have school tomorrow, do you feel up to going?" Dib asks laying down on the floor next to Zim. 

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea, what if... you know." Zim flips onto his back to match Dib.

"If you're taking the medicine then you should be fine." Dib pats Zim's head. "I think I'll just spend the night here, I bet I left some clothes here from when you captured me."

"I put them in a box, I'll get it." Zim hops up and walks away. Dib decides to look around while he's gone. He sees a PlayStation under the tv.  He turns it on, only for it to show up as an X-box. Interesting. Zim returns holding a box of clothes.

"Here's all your stinky clothes human." Zim tosses the box on the ground. He's starting to act like his normal self.

"Thanks." Dib looks through the box. "Welp, none of these fit. I'll just wear these again." 

Zim hops onto the couch, there's a cry from under the cushion. Zim lifts it up and looks in.


I was having a good day, I was wearing my favorite shoes and I got to skip my least favorite classes because I was testing, but on my way to my favorite class some kid steps on my boot and the bottom rips off halfway. I guess its time to buy those teeth and glue them to the back. Ima make teeth shoes-

Anyway I saw birds today and almost cried its been 5 months since ive seen any

also sorry if the chapter seems rushed and bad im quickly writing it cause im in class and i wanted to finish it so i can watch youtube

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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