Chapter One

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Hey Guys! SarahDiAngelo here

Yeah, my first fanfiction AND first chapter whooooo 

Alright, there's cursing in this thing so if you can't do cursing and/or don't like it, then just take a brief glance before you read it (I think there's a swear word in like the first paragraph, so)

There's also going to be a bit of smut, but that will all come later

Comments would be pretty cool because I'm not really sure if this is even a good fanfiction, I mean for all I know it could suck and be horrible and I wouldn't even know lol

Also, there's probably gonna be a lot of spelling and grammar errors, so if there are just point them out to me and I'll fix them as soon as possible

The points of view also switch between Percy and Nico every chapter, and I'll also try and update every week or so. The chapters are gonna vary in length because sometimes I'm rushed and lazy and only type a few paragraphs, and some are gonna be like hella long when I have the time or actually feel like writing

I've only typed up 24 pages right now, and it isn't even close finished so bear with me xD

Kay, let's get this thing rolling

~Nico's POV~


The alarm clock next to my bed went off.

“Fucking hell,” I groaned. I rolled over in bed and slammed my hand down on the snooze button. It was 6:30am on a Friday morning. Only one more day of school until the weekend. I just had to get through today.

I climbed out of bed and started getting ready for school. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth, all that stuff. I put on black jeans and some black combat boots and pulled a band shirt over my head. I also put on my favorite leather jacket. I never went anywhere without that thing.

I love black. I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.

As I headed downstairs for breakfast, a familiar face greeted me.

Jaelyn was my step-mom. My dad had knocked up my real mom fifteen years ago. I only found out who she was when she died. I didn't go to the funeral. There was no reason for me to go to a funeral for someone I had never even met. My dad bleeped out of existence when he found out I was going to be born and honestly, having such a screwed up life, it's probably better that he's not in the picture.

How does Jaelyn fit into the picture?

She's the mother of my half-sister, Hazel.

My dad also knocked up Jaelyn. (No surprise there) She was only twenty when it happened, and that was thirteen years ago.

I lived in foster care until I was seven. Jaelyn tracked me down, God knows how. And when she did, she adopted me.

“Morning, Nico,” she said.

“Hey, Jaelyn,” I said. She was making pancakes for Hazel and I.

“Is Hazel up?” she asked me.

“I don't know, I didn't check.”

“Would you?”

I sighed and left the kitchen, running up to Hazel's bedroom.

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