Chapter 11

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Mia P.O.V.

I stayed in the same room for I don't know how long just waiting on Noah to get back. It felt like years just waiting. Have not sleep nor ate. I don't know why but I just know today he is coming back I just have a feeling. So i go downstairs and get something to eat because I was starving. I grabbed an apple and ran back to the room before anyone could notice i came out of it. I ate the apple in a matter of seconds. I through it away and sat on the bed. What am I even doing here. Chasing a man that I could have sworn just met, and now I can't get enough of. Yes I have lost some shit and maybe even gain some. I need to work on myself because this man is getting the best of me maybe I need to play tough girl, but what if I ain't tough. Then again they don't know that. Andrew called me downstairs and a huffed and puffed but silently obeyed. When I got downstairs I see that Andrew was looking for new houses. I said are you leaving with a shocked face. He looked at me with a sorry look and said no you are. I stared to yell at him saying I am not going no where and the only way I am leaving is if you kill me. When we continue to argue I see Noah walk in the house and shut the door. I immediately go quiet. I ain't going to lie he looks really good in black and he looks tired but other then that he looks fine. I am over her going crazy and he is just fine. Maybe he just don't feel the same way as I do. But I am not giving up just yet. If he still shows me that he doesn't want me maybe it's is just a sign that we shouldn't be together. Andrew tried to talk but was cut off the the question I was waiting for. "What is she doing here?" I was about to say you cant get rid of me and I am not going no fucking where but he cuts me off with "you can stay here for tonight but we are finding you a house tomorrow and I am too tired to argue. I felt this overwhelming feeling of anger so I say " I can do what ever the fuck I want and stay whenever I want." He turns around so fast it startled me so I gasp and so does his brother. This a superior creature I don't know why I continue to defy him. I can see the anger on his face for a split sec then his face turns emotionless. He says "Listen here Mia I don't have fucking time to her you bitching you will stay in the god damn guest room and I will find you a house tomorrow if you don't like it I don't give a fuck you will either stay there are live on the streets. Now Andrew show her to the guessed me and If anyone got a god damn problem get the fuck out." Then he storms out like a angry toddler and leaves me and his brother shocked. I wonder why he does these things to me his moods changes and I just can't keep up. His brothers looks up at me and says " come on let me show you the guest room." I shake my head emotionless and follow him. He takes me to a room a lot smaller then Noah's. I say " thank you." He nods his head then he leaves the room. I am left alone with nothing but my thoughts. My mom is dead. She was token away from way to quickly from what I expected, and Its all my fault. I got involved with this guy I hardly know and now his crazy ex killed my mother and I am next. I don't know why I even moved in with a guy I barley know. I guess maybe I feel safe around him. Or even like I feel like we are meant to be together. What ever it is I need to lose this feeling because when things gets tough he kicks me out. This shit is so unfair. My anger sets back in and I get this crazy thought in my head. Its his ex girlfriends fault for all of my misery I will kill her. I open the door and all of the lights is off. I slip back into the room and pull out a backpack and some clothes. I fill the back pack half way with clothes and then I tip toe towards the kitchen and fill the other half with snacks and water and Gatorade. I grab someones keys and look out the window and there is guards everywhere. I wont be able to get threw. at this time I connect my phone to my speaker and slide the speaker under my bed and I run downstairs. I know if i create a distraction I can find a way out of here,but if i fail then I will be back to square one. i run downstairs and see this door way i never been in before. I open the door and its full of guns and armor and bulletproof vest. I take one of the vest and a couple guns. I then leave that room and go back to the kitchen and crouch down. I go to YouTube to play gunshot sounds. I'm glad my speaker can travel anywhere inside the house, and its very loud when i put it to the max. I look out the window and press play and the gunshots go off and all the guards outside come rushing in running upstairs they didn't even see me. I take that chance to run outside and hope in a car i am unfamiliar with and I pull off in a hurry forgetting everything behind me.

Wow I haven't been writing for a while now feels good to be back. I will try to post faster and enjoy the story.

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