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Today, however, he had not looked at her once and it was obvious.

"Maybe he's on his period." Delaney bluntly shot in response, making Abraham snort. "What's it matter, anyway?"

"It don't."

Abraham shrugged his broad shoulders, and then following a short silence, "You fight or somethin'?" Delaney turned her head to the side and shot him a single look, a huff of disbelief leaving her nose as she wondered what on earth possessed him to even want to know. She had half a mind to tell him to mind his business, but instead she watched as he scrutinized her for an answer, "Somethin' happen in the woods?" The accusing, questioning look in his blue eyes made her heart beat a little harder in her chest, even more so when his eyes darkly shot further up the road to where Rick was leading them all.

She was floored for a second, because that look was so similar to the kind Merle used to do whenever she mentioned any form of boyfriend - or potential partner. What'cha need tha' fer - he so much 'a looks at ya funny... She almost snorted, but with that thought came a soft ache and she bowed her head slightly.

Reaching up, Delaney pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed through her nose again. She figured that, yeah, it had looked a little misleading she supposed. Rick had disappeared into the woods, looking for her, a gunshot had gone off. Daryl had stormed out fuming and then Rick and she had followed - both mad too. She'd shoved him violently in front of everyone, for goodness sake, so the surprise she felt at his accusing tone, shouldn't have really been there.

Some small part of her hated that he was thinking along those lines - thinking as if Rick had gone in there and done something ungentlemanly. The only ungentlemanly thing he'd done was wrestle her to the ground so that she didn't kill herself.

"Nah." she answered, shaking her head a little more as she pulled her hand back from her eyes, "Nothin' happened. He's prolly jus' worried for us all." She shrugged her shoulder, curling her fingers over the edge of the coat's sleeve. The old brown thing really did swamp her, but she found that she didn't really mind. It was comfortable and it was keeping the burning sunshine off of her skin, not to mention it was actually keeping her a little warm.

Who would have thought that being so skinny would actually affect how cold you got, even in the burning heat of a summer sun.

Her eyes traveled slightly further up the group to where Glenn and Maggie were quietly walking side by side. She had seen Glenn try multiple times to engage Maggie in a conversation and the poor woman was simply not able to hold it. Her mind was too distraught, still stuck on that numbness that had come with losing her home, her daddy and her sister in the span of a week. It was awfully sad to see, but Delaney could tell she was trying at least.

Don't disappear on 'em.

She was trying not to.

Delaney wished she could help more, she wished she could do something for her. There was little anyone could do but try and be there for when she needed to talk, or for if she needed someone to simply listen.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Abraham's insensitive mind,

"So...you're not umping buglies?"

Delaney's head snapped his direction, well and truly baffled by his mind today. He had delivered the question so stoically with a completely straight face, gaze focusing on the way that she blinked up at him. She had no idea why she didn't immediately say no, perhaps it was the surprise of the unexpected question, but she stared at him dumbly. Then a snort forced it's way out and she shook her head answering with a rough, no.

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