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A verdict is read, a nation shocked –

Another boy’s killer gone free.

The streets are loud, the anger fierce

And any hopes of a silent night are pierced.

The fire rages, the voices shout,

The police sirens drown the voices out.

The voices in the street will fight,

The pain in the heart of communities throbs as

A family weeps in a home with one less member.

Voices in and out protest the value of a life lost.

The voices who are lucky to live protest for

Those who have not.

But in the meantime, the loudest voices of all - -

- - Michael Brown

- - Oscar Grant III

- - Eric Garner - -

Their voices are the loudest, the ones

That protest their innocence - -

They are the loudest, screaming and

Protesting six feet under ours that stand for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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