7. Breakfast At Joshua's

Start from the beginning

"Here's two for you." Joshua says, grabbing two plates and giving it to you. You hold the two plates to find a stack of chocolate chip pancakes on one plate, and blueberry on the other. "And I'll carry these two." He says grabbing the two plates that had cinnamon and sprinkles pancakes. "Oh my goodness these look delicious Joshua. Yes sir thank you." You say. Chuckling, Joshua says "Now to the dinning room we go. A surprise awaits" he added.

The two of you walked towards the dinning room, when suddenly you stop, gasping at the sight of the dinning room table. "What's this?" You asked surprised. Your  mouth forms a smile and you feel that feeling you had before when you found Joshua making pancakes. You couldn't help but feel loved. Joshua sets his plates down on the table and then grabs your plate from your hand. "Like I said." He said placing your plates down and then throwing his arms to the side, pointing towards the table as if he was modeling the table. "It's breakfast!" He added smiling. You giggle, placing a hand over your mouth. "Joshua stop this is adorable!" You say looking at the table. 

The table has two placemats, one for you and one for Joshua himself. There were two wine cups set out, along with folded napkins that hugged the silverware. The table had plates of fruit, different fruit that the two of you loved. The pancakes Joshua cooked with their toppings such as maple syrup, whip cream and butter were placed next to them, as well as bacon and a small plate of yogurt with granola was laid out. Orange juice and coffee were also laid out in a nice clear jug/container to easily pour it into the glasses. To top it off, a vase filled with your favorite flowers was placed as the centerpiece, along with a card that peeked out from the flowers that had your name written in cursive. 

Feeling loved and appreciated you looked at Joshua surpised. "Joshuaaa." You say, carrying out the a in his name. You couldn't believe he went through the trouble to do all of this on a Saturday morning. "I love you." You say walking towards him, hugging him tightly. Joshua beamed of joy knowing that you loved his little plan he had for today. "I love you more." He says kissing the top of your head. "I can't believe you did this. You didn't have to!" You add. Joshua wrapped his arms tighter around you. "I know. But I just felt the need to do this. It's a beautiful Saturday and I thought why not? This is all just because I love you." He says kissing the top of your head. Your heart raced and you blushed. "What did I do to deserve you?" You said smiling. You unwrapped your arms around him and grabbed his face, most importantly squishing his cheeks like a baby. "I love you." You say kissing his right cheek. "I love you." You add kissing his left cheek. "I love you." You say once again kissing his lips. Chuckling , Joshua kissed you back saying "I love you too." 

With the breakfast being done,  the table was beautifully set, and the windows brought the rays of the sun shining in the dining room, it was time to eat the wonderful good Joshua made. You could smell the freshly made  pancakes and the food was calling to you. You couldn't wait to devour it all. "Well now. Shall we?" Joshua asked pointing towards the table. You smile. "Of course! We shall!" You reply. Joshua smiled as he clapped his hands walking over to your chair. He slid the chair motioning you to take a seat. "Ladies first." He says. You place a hand over your chest and walk over to your chair, sitting down. "Why thank you." You reply smiling as he slid the chair towards the table. Looking at the whole table made you bubbly inside. All of this was made out of love from Joshua. You couldn't be more luckier. "My love, may I present to you." Joshua says standing next to you. "Welcome, to breakfast at Joshua's!" He says. He then walks over to his chair and takes a seat as he grabs his silverware and gets some pancakes, while you as well grab the pancakes of your choice. 

Between smiles and giggles, storytelling and gossip telling, you and Joshua enjoyed Saturday morning. With enjoying each other's company while eating one heck of a meal Joshua prepared, it was an excellent way to start the day. You couldn't have asked for a better moment between the two of you. After eating, you once again thanked Joshua for everything as you two sat there holding hands, admiring each other. "I'm glad you loved it." He says. "I did. I'm so grateful for you." You say. With that being said and done, you helped Joshua clean up and put things away as you two continued to get started with your day. You enjoyed you Saturday morning with breakfasts at Joshua's. 

A/N:  Hi everyone! I'm not dead I swear! Whew! It's been a while since I've updated and I wanted to aplologize for not updating until now. I've just been so busy with life I sadly still have a bit of writers block and I barely have the time to write and update.... But! I luckily found the time to write this idea I've been working on and I'm glad I wrote it and finally published it.

I want to thank everyone reading this. I love seeing you guys enjoy reading these and your reads and votes means a lot to me, so I'm very appreciative. 

Please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions  you have in what I should write next. 

Once again I apologize for having you all wait so long until an update, Thanks for reading and I'll write to you all in the next update!

Sorry if there's any grammar errors or misspelled words. I reread twice and I was tired to do it a third time. :/

Have a nice day/night/afternoon/morning/evening!!! :)

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