·ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs·

768 28 20

"Wenny! Wake up, you sleepy head!" giggled a familiar voice.

I groggily got up, rubbing my eyes. I looked up to see my older sister, Betty smiling down at me. She had her bubblegum pink hair tied in a ponytail with a matching strawberry designed t-shirt. She had a pastel violet dress and white bunny slippers. She was short for a sixth-grader and had a happy personality. Her warm hazel eyes were bright and filled with energy as I slipped out of bed.

"What day is it?" I yawned, stretching.

Betty replied, "Today's Saturday! You know what that means..."

I groaned, "Work day at the restaurant?" I looked down at my knee. I had recently injured it while mopping the restaurant  floor the day before. I touched it gingerly, the bruise didn't hurt anymore, it just felt numb. I tried walking, I stumbled a bit, but soon regained balance and walked like a normal human again. I grinned from ear to ear.

Betty quietly watched me practice. When I succeeded, she gave me a small clap and gave me a thumbs up. "Make sure to come out for breakfast!" she reminded as she left, closing the door behind her.

I walked over to my clothes drawer. I pulled out a purple shirt with a beautiful white lace and shorts. I took out a pair of white socks, well not really white anymore, and put them on. I hobbled over to my makeshift jewelry box and grabbed two rubber bands. I tied my hair into low pigtails, slipped my cat slippers on and went out to eat breakfast.

My family lived in a bungalow, so it was only one floor. The basement was always rented out so me and my siblings played on the first floor. I didn't mind. I was happy to have a house to even live in.

I smelled pancakes in the kitchen so I skipped faster. I was greeted with a good morning from my family. Kat was playing with Allen, Kim was reading a book quietly with Dad, and Betty was drinking some orange juice. I took my seat next to Kat.

"Hey Kat, Hey Baby Draco!" I teased, pinching his cheek.

Kat laughed while Allen pouted, "I am NOT a BABY!" he whined, earning an amused look from Daddy.

"C'mon Draco," he said, getting up, "She was joking," he smiled, picking Allen up. Draco was our nickname for Allen. Betty wanted hers to be Rainbow, but we all teased her as Shortie. She did not like that.

Allen squealed as Dad carried him around on his back, "ALULULULULULLULULULULLU!~ I AM MIGHTY!" he boasted. Kat laughed super hard while I covered my mouth with my hand, giggling. Betty laughed along too, hiccuping a little. That would sometimes happen. Kim gasped while Mom, who was cooking, did not notice until she heard Kat dying from laughter.

She chuckled, shaking her head, "Put him down, James. Breakfast is ready!" she announced, setting plates on the table.

I quickly grabbed my plate and ripped a piece of a pancake. I opened my mouth wide and ate it. The buttery taste lingered on my tongue as I ate another piece.

Kat took the syrup bottle and poured a little bit on. She was trying to make the syrup last a month, at least that's what she told me. She passed it to Allen, who repeated what she did.

Kim took a bite from her pancake. She swallowed it happily then ate a spoonful of her salad. Blegh, too healthy for me.

I watched as Betty took her pancake and dipped it in the orange juice?! My eyes grew wide in surprise and Allen almost choked on his pancake.

"EWWW! BETTY!" He exclaimed, disgusted.

The pink haired girl shrugged and smirked, "What? It tastes good!" She put the orange juice soaked pancake in her mouth and swallowed it. I heard Kim wheeze.

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