"I'm not offended at your disbelief, though the severe Disrespect shown in counting money onto my coffee table is mildly galling..." I raised an eyebrow at him archly.

"Ah... right, sorry." He blushed slightly before sitting down, carefully and smartly placing himself outside of the reach of Hellen's Claws.

She spared him a glare, then took the sacks of money and began passing them out after sending hers into her inventory and instantly Cashing it, according to the small Gold Coin symbol that appeared over her head briefly. "Well, that is literally the most profitable Dungeon I've ever completed, and that doesn't even begin to compare in difficulty to a Dragon's Hoard, which is a close second. And while I'm not playing this game for money, extra spending money is never something I'd turn down; if you're alright with joining our Party and going to one of these lower-level Herb Dungeons maybe once a month, -we mostly go to less-profitable, higher-level dungeons, farming XP not Gold,- I vote to allow you to join our Party."

"I... maybe twice a month? Until I'm high enough level to do it myself? 2,500$ a month is barely halfway enough to pay my rent..." I scratched my head slowly, at little embarrassed to be begging for their help.

"Alright, two times a month isn't a problem for me; Kenny, Gerson, Uric? Your votes?" She nodded and looked at the others.

"She more than held her own, and according to Gerson she one-shotted a Lvl 5 Boss; I like money, but I also already have a job and I don't have any Bills yet, so it's not really important to me, except to buy stupid stuff. Maybe once I move out it will matter more. I vote yes, and before you say it, no, it's not because she's cute." Uric pointed at his brother accusingly, halting a snide remark on his elder brother's lips.

Kenny smirked. "Alright, fine, but if you flirt with her, at all, I will personally sic Ma on you, Uric. Other than that, I agree; she kicked some ass today, even if it wasn't overtly impressive, -no offense,- and I'm happy to add another member to the group. Gerson? Or, Jack?" He ignored the grumbled complaints from his brother, turning to the silent man.

Jack nodded silently, and wrote in the Chat. 'Either one, guys. But yes, Sam impressed me a bit, less in combat and more with how prepared she was, which is always nice to have in the Party. And she's snarky. And while I'm not hurting for Cash, with my IRL job, a little more is always welcome to allow me to relax a bit. I haven't been to a Spa in Months, and that's all I'll be doing tomorrow.' -Jack.

"Aww, you're Sweet." I smiled, cracking my back again and laying across the leather chair. The room was originally meant to be a Greenhouse, but apparently that wasn't allowed, in this game. You couldn't Farm any Herbs that had actual Value, though you could buy Ferns and Succulents and Spices to make your house more homey or to make your food taste better. (Virtual Spices for Virtual Food. Hmph.)

"Alright, then! Welcome to our Party, Sam!" Hellen smiled as an Invite appeared in my view.

Party of Hellen, Uric, Kenny, and Jack has sent you an Invite! Accept? Y/N

I selected the Yes option, and winced at the explosion of confetti and loud fanfare in my ears. "F&$k that's loud!"

Kenny nodded, wiggling his pinky in one ear to get rid of the ringing. "Yeah, it is... now, we've got twelve hours left in the day, what shall we do? There's a Level 7 Swamp Dungeon that we've already cleared three times, two Level 6's that are water-dungeons, -the best type,- and one Level 9 Earth-Golem dungeon that's pretty easy with two Lvl 13 Warhammer users like me and Jack. You might get the most good out of that one, and we might Level Up to 14 in that one?"

The Alchemist at Hell's GatesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant