Chapter Two, Training With Anakin

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"Okay, Veronica. The first thing in learning about a Lightsaber is that you have to trust in it. If you don't, it won't help you."

Anakin demonstrates a basic defensive stance, like he's a baseball player waiting for the baseball to be thrown. He gently moves her into the position when she's not quite sure what to do.

"Good. Now I'm going to let you use a Training Lightsaber. If you get hit with it, you'll only feel a slight sting. You ready?"

Veronica nods and mentally, emotionally and psychologically prepares herself for what's next.

Anakin takes his Training Lightsaber and swings her lower abdomen. Veronica jumps back, like she was anticipating that. She swings at his head and he does a backflip and lands a few feet away.

"That was so cool! Can you teach me how to do that sometime," she asks in awe. Anakin nods, "In time, my Padawan."

"Let's go over the basic Lightsaber Combat Skills. The first one consists of a vertical chop at the head, with the goal of vertically bisecting the opponent, and the corresponding parry is a horizontal block. Zone 2 attacks were horizontal sideswipes, with the corresponding counter being a vertical parry position. Zone 3 attacks are much the same as zone 2, albeit the directions are reversed. Zone 4 encompasses the entire midsection and torso, but refers specifically to the back. A successful Zone 4 attack is almost always fatal Zones 5 and 6 referred to the right and left leg, respectively. Zone 5 and 6 attacks were low sideswipes or slashes, while the corresponding defensive positions were dropped parries with the hilt held at the waist" he says while showing her all of the skills, respectively.

"There are also the Inner, Middle and Outer Rings, but those are for a different time," he explains. "Why don't we spar for a few minutes then take a break?" he suggests.

Veronica nods and gets into her Ready Stance. She senses her master is going for her feet, so she deflects his blade and they launch into a sparring match for a few minutes. While the two are sparring, Veronica is starting to feel lightheaded! She stumbles and staggers while trying to stay conscious.

"Veronica? What's going on? Are you alright? Talk to me! Veronica? VERONICA?!" Anakin is yelling, his voice going from concerned to worried.

*Veronica's flashback will be told in italics*

"Veronica, you must not come out for anything. Anything! When the time is right, someone will come for you and help you. Stay here in this hideout and don't make any sounds, no matter what you hear" her father says while looking frightened. "Honey, it's time to go. They're here" her mother yells.

All three of them walk quickly to a hidden tunnel that's not too far from their house. Her dad opens the door and Veronica quickly jumps inside.

"Remember, we love you. We always will. Remember this: trust in the Force. It will guide you. It will help you, but only if you let it. Goodbye, my love" her mother says while her father looks on. The door is shut, and then Veronica is completely alone for who knows how long.

She hears screaming, gunshots and an occasional "Roger, Roger." Then, one of those Battle Droids opens up the hideaway! Veronica scoots back as far as she can go and manages to hide before those droids see anything. She lets out a long, deep breath but immediately regrets it.

"THERE!" "In the corner! I see something!"

"What do we do? We're only here for reconnaissance! Sergeant 11-452, contact Command and tell them we found a child!"

Before Sergeant 11-452 can respond, the droids are all in pieces! Veronica peers up at the hole and one of the clones looks inside. "General", he mentions, "There's someone in here! You better come look!"

The clone walks away and a new face is shown. This time, it's not a clone or a Battle Droid. Instead, it's a middle-aged woman! "Hello down there. It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help you. There's no need to be afraid. Why don't you just climb up the ladder?"

Veronica thinks about staying down here, but takes the woman's offer. She climbs up the ladder and is immediately hugged.

"Who are you?" Veronica asks. The middle-aged woman replies," My name is Atalan Cunjick and that is my Commander, Commander Sparks" she explains and Commander Sparks waves to her.

Veronica waves back and she swears she hears her master calling her.

"Veronica..... Can you hear me?" "Padawan Veronica, if you can hear me at all, please give me a sign." Veronica twitches her left foot and hears a sigh of relief.

She wants to talk to Atalan Cunjuck, but she's not there anymore!

She suddenly wakes up feeling the softness of a blanket, stickiness of the IV tape, a few monitors on two of her fingers. She hears the slow and steady beep of the heart monitor and a clock nearby ticking. She smells some rubbing alcohol from where the IV needle is in her arm.

She shoots upright and gasps. "What happened," she asks and immediately regrets sitting up so fast. She groans and lays back down.

"Veronica" yells Anakin and comes to her side, but not before hugging her. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I think. I saw the strangest things." A woman named Atalan Cunjuck, Commander Sparks, her being a child, everything she tells her master.

Anakin Skywalker takes it all in and waits patiently for her to finish. "Something either me, you or both of us has caused you to remember something about your past. We should speak to Master Yoda about this. He's great with interpreting this sorta stuff. You rest while I go find him." He walks away but not before telling Veronica she did a great job with her Lightsaber training.

She lies back down with a smile on her face and drifts off to a peaceful slumber.

After Ahsoka's Decision *ON HOLD AS OF 5/21/2020*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant