"No no! It is sweet, it is really sweet." Conall says. Then he hears a small blip which comes from Katsumi his watch.

"Oh I am sorry Con... I have to go back. See you tomorrow?" Katsumi asks.

"Definitely! Sleep well Kat." Conall says. They give each other a hug, and Conall holds the hug a bit longer because he doesn't want to let go. Then they let go and Katsumi walks back into the castle. Conall gets to the carriage.

When he enters he sits down at one of the desks and he starts to figure out some things about the task. He takes out some extra parchment to write down some things but then he hears some giggling behind him. He turns around, and a couple of heads immediately turn back to what they were doing.

"Have you heard that he was seen today, hand in hand walking with a guy." One of the girls whispers. However, Conall can hear them perfectly and he hears every word.

"I heard he kissed Brigitte today, little bit weird that a few hours later he was seen with a guy." Another girl says.

"Do you think that he is gay? Or that it was some sort of act, so people won't think that he likes Brigitte. We all know that he doesn't like her. No wonder that he wants to avoid everything around it." The third girl says. Conall starts to feel a bit uncomfortable when he hears this conversation. There are already so many lies only about this day, he wonders what is said more about him.

"Well, we will find out soon enough. Brigitte is doing everything to fix that he goes with her to the Yule Ball. When we see who his date it, then we know for sure what is going on." The first girl says again.

One of the girls stretches herself on the couch and lays down. "How sad... I always liked Conall. It would be sad if he is gay. He is really sweet, and then no one makes a chance anymore."

"Oh come on, no one was a chance for him in any way. He is always so secretly, and it was rare if you came close to him. Despite everything that Brigitte fixes, we all know that he doesn't love her back." Someone says.

"Yeah you are right... it is still a shame. He is so adorable." The one says that is laying on the couch. Then the four of them stand up and they walk to their cabin, doing as if nothing happened. Conall is now the only one left in the carriage, all the others are now peacefully sleeping.

Conall keeps thinking about what the girls said. Is it true that no one really believes in what Brigitte is doing, and that they believe Conalls side earlier? He knows one thing for sure, and that is that he needs to avoid Brigitte for a long time. Conall is going with Katsumi to the Yule Ball, and no one else.

Now Conall looks back at the clues. He writes down what everything means, and then he takes the last clue which they didn't discover yet. He tries to find out what it means and he inspects every corner. Eventually he finds a small two in the corner of the back of the piece of paper. His eyes widen when he sees that and he quickly checks the other clues as well of numbers. Maybe it corespondents to the order he picked it, or the order of importance.

However, he can't find any number on the other clues and he lays everything back down, still staring at the little two. What can it mean? It is not the order with the other clues, so it is probably something that only counts for that one. If there is a two, then there must be a one.

If there is a two... if there are two... what if this is the second paper? Then there must be a first as well. He quickly takes out his wands.

"Geminio." Conall whispers. He points at the piece of paper and then it duplicates into two identical pieces of paper. When he turns it around he sees another two, and for some magical reason it is not a one. He thought that this was really it and he throws the piece of paper disappointed on the table.

He stares at the roof, clueless of what to do know. He has absolutely no idea of what this symbol can mean. He rubs in his eyes because he starts to grow tired. He lowers his head again, starting with taking all his stuff and then going to bed. However, when he looks back on the table he sees that the two duplicated pieces of paper connect perfectly with each other. He feels like this means something, and it starts to get a shape that he remembers. He can't really find out what it is, so he starts to duplicate more and more.

In a while he was surrounded with at least 10 identical pieces of paper with all that one symbol. The line fits perfectly with the oval. He goes with his chair a bit away from the desk, so he has more overview. Now he realises what they are, they represent chains. that one symbol are two chains connected!

He writes it down quickly and then he starts to combine it with the other clues he has.

After brainstorming for at least a few good hours he looks happy at his end result. At the moment he thinks that the second task takes place in the Quidditch Pitch. You got chained up, and in silence you have to get free of them. They have to do something with screaming. The only thing where he can think about that can scream is a mandrake. He probably needs to do something with a mandrake, and the centaur is watching out to the champions to listen if no one is making a sounds.

He leans back satisfied in his chair, looking at what he came up with. He is proud that he discovered this all by himself and then out of exhaustion he falls asleep with his head on the table.

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