29) The clues

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"Oh yeah, I almost forget about those." Conall says. He was right about that, he really didn't thought about everything that happened before the kiss. He quickly takes out the five pieces of paper out of his pocket and he lays them down on the table.

"Look, the thing that she heard was that centaurs have an extremely good hearing, the best of any creature alive to be exact." Conall says and he writes that down under the word 'centaur'.

"And that means?" Faolán asks.

"That connects it with these two.-" Conall says, and he shoves the piece of paper with nothing on it, and the piece of paper with 'scream' on it under the one of the centaur. "-Scream, and silence."

Conall writes down 'silence' on the empty piece of paper.

"What do you mean, silence?" Thierry asks confused.

"Look it is an empty piece of paper, nothing. Nothing is the same as silence. Don't you understand that?" Conall says.

"Yes that is logical of Conall. It doesn't make any sense to let a centaur hear something what anyone else can hear as well. If it is true that centaurs can hear so incredible good, then it should be something that we can't hear, such an extremely soft sound, like silence." Katsumi says.

"Thanks Kat, good thinking." Conall says and he smiles at him.

"Okay and the others then?" Thierry asks.

"Well the blatching, in other words quidditch, is probably the location. The quidditch pitch." Conall says. He places that piece of paper above the others.

"Hmm that does make sense. However, this symbol them?" Roselyn says, pointing at the last one.

"I am still working on that. But we already find out the four of them, and how they are connecting." Conall says positive.

"yeah that is right. Well lets eat on this good day. On your relationship and on our step further in the tournament." Faolán says and he raises his glass. Conall gets red of this attention and Katsumi get red as well. Roselyn and Thierry raises their glass as well and then they start to eat.

That whole evening Conall hang out with Katsumi. After diner they went outside with each other and they are now walking over the grounds of Hogwarts.

"You know, sometimes I am still missing the rose garden at Beauxbatons." Katsumi says while they are looking over the lake.

"Yeah I miss it to, it was one of my favourite places to go to." Conall says. He now realises that that was mostly because that was the place he hang out with Katsumi. He kept going there, because he always had a feeling as if he still was connected with him.

"How is everything actually going with the transformations? Are you used of this place already?" Katsumi asks interested.

"Oh, it is going perfectly! We get the wolfsbane potion from Hogwarts, so that is really nice because then we do not have most of the side effects." Conall says.

"That is nice to hear. I already thought that I heard something last night." Katsumi says. Conall gets a smile on his face when he realises that he got the hint.

"Yeah we were running at the side of the forest and then I saw you sitting. I thought that I would let you know that I saw you." Conall says. Katsumi lightens up as well.

"I knew it! Yeah I sat outside during every full moon... just to support you through the nights. And now you are here at Hogwarts I stayed awake even longer." Katsumi says while he turns red.

"Seriously? You were there for me during every full moon?" Conall says, and he feels his heart melting when Katsumi says those words.

"Yeah... little bit ridiculous isn't it?" Katsumi says.

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