They're all animals?

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Kairi burst out of the door, she was holding a cat-Sora and a rat-Riku. Axel was in dog form, he was more of a reddish-brown dog than a bright red like his normal hair. Outside was a mailman with yellow hair and a toothpick in his mouth, he watched as a disheveled girl was panicking "Their all animals!!"

The mailman thought she might just be in some sort of frenzy or just a young one playing around. "Oh yeah, they're animals all right.'" he rubbed his nose. "Could you just sign this here package?" he held the package out, and the doggy Axel grabbed a sighing stamp with his mouth and used it to stamp the box. The mailman had an impressed look on his face "You must be a really good animal trainer, might hafta' hire ya."

He gave Axel a pat on the head and set the package down, Kairi put them down "how could this happen... is this because of me?" she wondered as she dejectedly picked up the package and sat down on the edge of the house. Axel, in his dog form, sat in front of her "Its okay, it's not your fault. You know that we're animals, obviously. That's only because we were possessed by the spirits of the Chinese zodiac." he explained. Riku nodded in his rat form, Sora just kinda played around in the dirt with his paw "This is stupid, you know that we shouldn't have girls in the house!" Sora shouted at Riku.
Riku's crossed his little rat arms "just because you're nervous around girls doesn't mean I have to be." Riku told him, an annoyed expression in his tone. "W-Won't you guys transform back?" Kairi asked, a little bit of panic rising in her voice. Axel's furry body sat down next to the other two animals "we transform back! But..." Axel paused for a moment, in a poof of smoke they were all back to humans- but they were naked. Kairi gasped and turned her head- her face burning red. Sora, Riku, and Axel ran back inside to get dressed while Kairi covered her poor innocent eyes.

Axel sighed as he rubbed his face "Man, I'm going to have to tell Vanitas about this crap aren't I?" he mumbled. Sora looked guiltily towards the ground, he was the reason she discovered the secret after all. Riku shook his head "No, you stupid cat, its more my fault- I should have warned her or something." he sighed as he got on the last of his clothes.

Axel ran fingers through his hair "Maybe Vanitas will let it slide, but I can't lie to him- you two know that better than anyone else." Sora and Riku nodded, looking towards the ground.

Kairi looked at Riku and she gasped "W-wait! We're late for school! We have to turn in the homework" she shouted as soon as she realized, she ran into the other room and in what seemed like a mili-second she came out fully dressed but while adjusting her left sock.

She waved goodbye "Oh, Goodbye

Shinzou!" she waved at Sora as she grabbed Riku's wrist to turn him around and dragged him. Sora was dumbfounded as they ran to school and muttered "homework?" in a sense of disbelief.

As Kairi ran she eventually let go of his wrist as Riku could easily keep up with her, Riku had no idea what happened- he was just glad he had the sensibility to grab his school bag once Kairi yelled that they were late. She sighed and took deep breaths "Okay... let's hope we aren't late, too class."

Riku started chuckling "Well I'm sure we already are." he commented as they headed into the entrance of the school. Riku looked to Kairi "Tanaka, you can't tell anyone." Riku's mood suddenly shifted after he said that- he looked down at his feet as they put up their outdoor shoes in their lockers and exchanged them for their indoor shoes. Kairi nodded "Yeah, I promise I won't tell anyone!" she said, to reassure him. Riku nodded "That's a relief..." Riku wanted to tell her something else but he seemed to be holding back on it a bit.

Kairi finally got her shoes exchanged as she started rushing to get to class- Riku right on her heels.

Aqua and Selphie surrounded Kairi, both look quite worried. Aqua spoke first "Kairi, it isn't really like you to be late."

There wasn't much to say here, they went to class, Kairi was surrounded by the fan club. Then after school, Riku stopped Kairi. "Kairi, can we talk?" he asked her, a concerned look etched onto his featured. Kairi was on a pause for a moment before quickly nodding "All right..."

Riku entered an empty classroom and Kairi followed him inside. Riku took a deep breath "Kairi... I'm afraid of the fact you know about the secret." he started, Kairi gripped her fists "I won't tell anyone!" she stated fiercely.

Riku shook his head "I know you won't tell anyone. I just need to warn you about something, about the curse." He spoke in a low voice, not turning to look at her just yet.

Kairi bit her lip, her hand was shaking and she didn't bother to keep it steady "W-What is it?" She was a bit nervous about what he had to say. "When I was a kid, I was playing with some kids at the beach. A girl decided to hug me after trying to tag me and... I turned into a rat in front of all of them." he stated, though she knew he was about to continue. "Afterwards, Vanitas had all of their memories erased. Most people turn out fine after their memories are erased but there is the occasional situation when we have to erase the memory multiple times, and in that case something might snap in their brain and they can no longer speak coherently or they have daily memory lapses, or something as small as your vision getting slightly worse. Usually the change isn't even noticeable, but regardless it's something you need to be made aware of. Regardless, your memory will most likely be erased..."

Kairi froze, her lips were parted in a way that eluded to the fact she didn't know how to respond. She closed her mouth and smiled "Riku if I-" the door slammed shut because someone closed it from the hallway, and she tripped from the shock and Riku reached to catch her and he transformed into his rat self. Kairi fell onto her knees and hands "Riku, you should of just let me fall." she told him as she sat up and watched as the little rat form of Riku crawled from out of the bundle of clothes.

"Sorry..." She mumbled. Riku shook his little rat head in a no formation "No it's alright, I'm the one that caught you. What did you want to say, Tanaka?" Riku turned around, the silver hair of the rat almost glistened- despite Kairi usually disliking the idea of a rat, she didn't mind this one at all. Kairi sighed as she smiled "Riku, I was going to say that even if I do get my memories erased... I would become friends with you again, I wouldn't change a single thing." she smiled as she grabbed his clothes and folded them up.
Riku looked up at her and had a little sparkle in his beady rat eyes "Kairi... thank you, I will become your friend again... if that happens." Riku smiled as much as he could as a rat.
Kairi smiled back and even gave a little chuckle before covering her face because of a puff of smoke.
Kairi shrieked as she saw the naked body of Riku for a split second before she completely turned around and intensely stared at the wall with a hint of embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Shinzou." she mumbled as she heard him getting dressed quickly, like he was some sort of expert in getting dressed- like anything like that exists. "You can turn around now." Riku sighed with a small chuckle.
Kairi turned around as she returned the giggle "So um, Rik-" she started but realized just how crooked Riku's tie was. "What's wrong?" Riku asked as he slightly tilted his head. Kairi smiled kindly "Nothing, your tie is a little crooked it all." she walked up to him and she adjusted it for him "I used to tie my grandpa's tie for him, that's how I know you're doing this wrong." she chuckled lightly as she straightened it out. Riku smiled down at her "Thank you, my mother and father never taught me these things."

Kairi paused, she never thought about that. "So Axel, is your uncle or-" she started, but Riku interrupted "no, he's just... my cousin." he explained, not sure how to explain Axel in any way shape or form. "He used to call himself Lea, but for some reason he prefers Axel and he always says weird things, like claiming he has many fans or whatever."

Kairi smiled, and laughed "Well that's Axel." she agreed. They walked home.

Fruits Basket: Kingdom HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora