Y/n: "Now let's study the Law of Gravity. What ever comes up, must comes down. And the higher they fly, the harder they fall."

 He starts spinning him while dragging his face on the ground and toss him high up in the air.

Y/n: "It's going to take some time for him to come down. Who else want's to play?"

Rias: "Kiba! Koneko!"

Sairaorg: "Gandoma! Ladora!Beruka!"

Riser: "Yubelluna! Ravel!"

All of them charged at Y/n except for Ravel who's just standing there.

Riser: "What are you doing Ravel?! Go finish him!"

Ravel: "I'm sorry Brother but, he's way out of our league. I resign!"

Announcer: "Bishop of Riser has resign!"

Riser: "Why you! Just you wait after this is over!"

Announcer: "Knight and Rook of Rias has retired! Knight and Two Rooks of Sairaorg has retired! Queen of Riser has retired!"

Riser: "What?!"

They all look in the middle of the arena and saw their pieces disappearing while Y/n is standing there, taking a selfie.

Y/n: "That was a good shot. I'm gonna post it later."

Riser: "I demand to know what happened!"

Y/n: "Oh you missed? Maybe you shouldn't have blink. Since you guys are the only one left, why don't make this dramatic?"

He raised his right hand and Devil Sword Dante appeared in a flame. Then he place it over his shoulder.

Y/n: "Looks like he's here."

He raised the sword upward, and the Knight he throw landed on the sword, pierced on his back.

Y/n: "Class dismissed."

The Knight starts to disappeared and he put the sword on his back.

Announcer: "The Knight of Sairaorg has retired!"

Then he summons Yamato to his left hand.

Y/n: "Asia, Xenovia. You two can resign if you want. I don't blame you."

Asia: "I resign!"

Rias: "Asia?!"

Announcer: "Bishop of Rias has resign!"

Rias: "Xenovia! Don't you dare!"

Xenovia: "I'm sorry Rias, but this is a fight I can't win. I resign!"

Announcer: "Knight of Rias has resign!"

Rias: "You two will be punished!"

Riser: "A bunch of cowards!"

Y/n: "They maybe cowards, but they're the smartest among's you. They knew they had no chance against me, so they surrender. You should do the same Issei, if you want. Your clearly the weakest here."

Issei: "SHUT UP!"

He charge at him again and Y/n put his hand on the Yamato's handle. 

Y/n: *Sigh*"Your not worth the time."

He slightly open Yamato and disappeared for a second. Then everyone saw him behind Issei, slowly closing Yamato. When everyone heard the cling of the metal, Ascalon destroyed into a million pieces and Issei fell flat on the floor.

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