Power Of Three pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Then why do you both keep coming back for us?"

"Because you were the first. The first face our face saw. And you're seared onto my hearts both our hearts, Amelia Pond. You always will be. We're running to you, and Rory, before you fade from us" the Doctor says.

"Don't be nice to me. I don't want you to be nice to me."

"Yeah, you do, Pond, and you always get what you want. They got what they wanted" I say.

"What? Who did?"

"The cubes. That's why they stopped. Come on" I say.


"Kate? Before they shut down, they scanned everything, from your medical limits to your military response patterns" the power cuts off "they made a complete assessment of Planet Earth and its inhabitants. That's what the surge of activity was. Problem with the power?" the Doctor asks.

"Not possible. We've got back-ups" Kate says.


"Alex? Doctor? Look" Amy says.


"Why do they all say seven?" Kate asks every cube is showing the same number.

"Seven. Seven, what's important about seven? Seven wonders of the world, seven streams of the River Ota, seven sides of a cube" I say.

"A cube has six sides," Amy says.

"Not if you count the inside" the number changes to six.

"It has to be a countdown," the Doctor says.

"Not in minutes," Kate says.

"Why would it be minutes? Kate, we have to get humanity away from those cubes. God knows what they'll do if they hit zero. Get the information out any way you can. News channels, websites, radio, text messages. People have to know that the cubes are dangerous" I say.

"Ok, but why is this starting now? I mean, the cubes arrived months ago. Why wait this long?" Amy asks.

"Because they're clever. Allow people enough time to collect them, take them into their homes, their lives. Humans, the great early adopters. And then, wham! Profile every inch of Earth's existence" the Doctor says.

"Discover how best to attack us," Kate says.

"Get that information out any way you can. Go!" I say.

Right" the Doctor and I walk over to the computers which are still working "every cube was activated. There must be signals, energy fluctuations on a colossal scale, there must be some trace. There can't not be. We need to think of all the variables, all the possibilities, ok? Go, go, go, go, go!"

"This is a national security alert. The Government advises that members of the public dispose of all cubes. If there are cubes inside your house, remove them immediately" the number drops from five to four.


"Get them out of the building. Away from here, as far as you can, and get back here before it hits zero. Dad, could you go and get me a box of tape for dressings? It's just the cupboard round the corner" Rory says.

"Yes, boss" Brian replies walking off, in the corridor Brian is nearly knocked over by the twin orderlies pushing a trolley "sorry. Er, excuse me? I'm looking for the supplies cupboard. I said, I'm looking for the supplies cupboard" the orderlies turn and advance towards Brian, the number turns to three.

"Have you seen my dad?" Rory asks.

"No, sorry" in the corridor, Rory sees the orderlies at the far end, with Brian on the trolley.

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